Chapter 106: The Tournament Part 5

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The hell is your game here, Sayuri...

I glared deeply at the Jade Empress as she just announced something so absurd that everyone looked in our direction in shock and confusion.

Just what in the world is she thinking?!

"S-Sayuri..." Zemmi spoke up. "I don't understand why you're making Damien fight both Tora and Anri. Hell, I don't get why you're making him participate in the first place."

Exactly! Thank you, Zemmi! At least there are some people that find this outrageous.

"I understand your confusion, Zemmi. But, you don't have to worry too much. I'm simply trying to make things more interesting."

And that involves making me fight two of the strongest people in a tournament? And against my will, I might add. I wanted to tell her this, but I figured she'd know my thoughts anyway, so I kept quiet and kept glaring.

"Besides," Sayuri continued. "Having Damien enter the tournament will be very beneficial for him."

"In what way, exactly?" I couldn't keep quiet anymore and spoke my mind. I needed to know what was going on inside that head of hers.

Sayuri said nothing as she glanced at me. She then brought a finger to her lips, expressing that she wouldn't tell us the reason, which only pissed me off more.

"Well, since I'm the subject of this conversation, I'm going to have to refuse to participate in the tournament. I see no reason to, anyway." If I sound immature then so be it. I refuse to dance to this woman's tune.

"Oh, dear," Sayuri worried, but her tone sounded flat, she was a robot trying to sound surprised. "Who could have guessed that the boy would defy me, the Empress."

You looking for a fight, little miss loli hag? Even if I can't win against her, I refuse to put up with her shit.

Should I just call Thana and turn her into her gun form and shoot this woman? Then again, she'll likely see it coming, so it would be pointless. Tch, so annoying...

"Look, your ladyship," I said with an irritated voice. "I already have enough stuff to deal with concerning that witch and her group being here along with what they're after. Even if you're not doing this for shits and giggles, I'm not playing your game right now."

After speaking my mind, I noticed that a couple of the Twelve Clan heads and future heads looked at me in surprise. Although I don't blame them, I also didn't care at the moment. I've been getting played with by this loli empress and I can't put up with it.

"Oh?" Sayuri grinned. "And what if I told you that if you participated, your goal would be that much closer?"

I turned to look at the Empress, both surprised and suspicious. What the hell does me being part of the tournament have to do with anything?

Also, is she seriously using my goal to manipulate me to do whatever she wants? Am I going to see Nocticula hanging by some string and stick with Sayuri holding her down to me and saying, "if you want the witch, do this thing for me!"

Gods, this is seriously starting to piss me off.

Before I could say anything else, Sayuri went on once more.

"Damien, if you accept to participate in the tournament, I will tell you everything you need to know about the witch and her group. And I do mean everything."


Dammit, I know this is a trick, but the fact that she's saying she serious right now? Is she really going to finally tell me what I need to know?

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