Chapter 39: The Final Curtain Part 2

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"Hmm? Where's that surge of mana coming from?" Amy picked up a massive wave of mana being released. This meant a spell was being activated, and a high level one at that.

"Is something wrong, Amy?" Arri asked, looking confused but alerted.

"It looks like Master's plan is already proceeding. We need to get moving and fast." Amy then rushed off with Arri in tow towards the mana surge.

While they went to check that out, Amy made a telepathic call to Vlad to inform him of what's going on.

[Vlad, I'm picking up a mana surge nearby. Use Master's invention and you and Emma meet up with us.]

[Got it. We'll meet you there.] Their discussion was brief, this was their usual interaction.

Once Amy ended the call, she focused on following the mana surge occurring ahead of them. She then activated the new spell Damien discovered called [Map]. This spell was completely new to Amy, but her master seemed very well accustomed with it.

Since she knew very little of how this spell worked, Amy decided to have her master, who discovered it in the first place, teach her how to use it. Amy was usually the one teaching Damien how to use certain spells and such, so it was nice for her master to take the lead every now and then.

Seeing him look so focused and determined to teach Amy how to use [Map] made her swoon. It was quite enjoyable to watch.

Anyway, as Amy looked over her [Map], she tried to see who was near the mana surge. What she found was nothing short of unpleasant.

"What in the world are they doing there?" As she looked at her [Map], she noticed two familiar icons. It was Jessica and Chloe, the adventurers that were with Kole's team.

Not only that, but they were also the ones that hunted down her beloved master despite him saving their leader. Because of that, Amy holds a huge grudge towards that party. Especially the magician girl, Chloe.

It was her special skill, [Cancel Magic], that blocked Amy's ability to cast spells and make herself useful in the fight. Although she could just fight them in hand-to-hand combat, she wasn't familiar with the concept.

Her strong suit was her magic. Anything that required physical work was left to...Amy shook her head trying to banish the thought. She could not be thinking about "her" after all this time they were separated.

Amy went separate ways with "her", and she's moved on. She wants nothing to do with that person, and the feeling was mutual.

Putting those depressing thoughts in the back of her head, she returned her attention back to the screen on her [Map]. She then began to decided what to do about the two nuisances.

Considering that the spell being cast in their vicinity was a self-destruct one, letting them die was one of her choices. They were more of a bother than anything to Amy, and again, they hunted her master down after he saved them. Their death would be considered mercy in Amy's eyes, considering what she could do to them.

Then she thought about what her master would think. Although he doesn't care about them like Amy, he might see their death as a problem in the future. She doesn't want to trouble her beloved master, so she reluctantly decided to go save them.

While on the way there, there were several times when Amy thought about just letting them get blown up, but in the end, she stuck with her original plan and went to save them.

Arri and Amy soon made it to an alleyway where they found Jessica and Chloe fighting a group of adventurers. Well, Jessica was doing most of the fighting while Chloe laid there looking pathetic.

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