Chapter 66: Meeting at the Beastfolk Kingdom

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   "Are you alright, Damien?" Zemmi asked while we were flying over to the Beast Kingdom.

"Not really..." The reason for my bad mood was pretty obvious.

It's because, during our conversation with the Dragon King, he got a call from the Beast King, who I believe is Ghef, and asked if Zemmi could assist them with a problem in his kingdom. The problem was something Zemmi and I was already talking about.

It was that Famine, one of the forbidden beasts of the apocalypse, is close to being released from the seal keeping it locked up somewhere. As the seal weakens, Famine's powers and influence grow stronger.

It seems that one of her followers known as the Famished has already manifested into the world. They're pretty much like the Wendigos from my world, meaning they eat anything in sight, even their own kind.

I guess I'm not surprised that Famine used Cannibalism to get her soldiers the way they were. Still, dealing with the Famished is going to prove quite a hassle.

However, that's not why I'm in a bad mood. I can honestly handle the Famine situation along with the Wendigos. What I can't handle is being near a certain group of religious, high and mighty, holy crusaders called the Amarian Soldiers.

Yeah, so due to how severe the situation is, The Beast King decided to pull out all stops and contact any kingdom that can assist them...including the Amarian Kingdom.

And, knowing my history with those bastards, this wasn't going to end well. For them, anyway.

I won't lie to you when I say that I hate those bastards with a burning passion. I'm a little concerned that I might go off the rails and just try killing any of the Amarian Soldiers in my line of sight.

Will I feel bad for the Amarian Soldiers? No, because they got what they deserved, but due to our current issue with Famine, I can't really go off on them. This was the predicament for me.

"Damien, please let us know when you feel like killing any of the Amarians, alright?" Vlad asked of me.

"...I'll try."

Another thing, before we started flying over to the Beast Kingdom, we had to stop by my home to pick up Arri and Vlad. I was curious if Van wanted to join us, but he insisted on staying and tending to the mansion. He truly was a butler through and through.

He did, however, asked me to tell any of his associates back in the Demon Kingdom that join in the fight against Famine that he said hi. Knowing the top fighters in the Demon Kingdom already, I can probably tell who's going to be there.

I also dropped off Emma and Lilith since the situation was too dangerous. Emma would likely handle herself if she came along, but I can't risk Lilith joining. Especially with those holy mission-seeking bastards being there.

Lilith is traumatized as it was, so seeing those guys again will trigger some bad memories. And it will most likely put me into a berserker rage...again.

I also got Ignis, Terra, Scorpius, and Raven to stay at the mansion and guard the place while I'm gone. I don't know what would happen while we were fighting Famine and Nocticula, so I wanted Lilith to be extra safe.

So, after dropping Lilith and Emma off back at the Mansion, we set off for the Beast Kingdom. It wouldn't take long, and thanks to the Auto-Pilot Feature, I didn't even need to drive it.

Of course, that leaves me with time to think about things. None of them good, mind you.

My mind's already thinking of different scenarios of how this meeting might end up with me facing off against the Amarian Soldiers because they pissed me off. If the circumstances were different, I wouldn't care, but since I have bigger problems than those idiots, I can't afford to let myself get caught up in their bullshit.

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