Chapter 12: The Secrets Behind the Books

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-Damien's POV-

Vlad and I walked to the right side of the secret library. To be honest though, taking either direction didn't lessen the amount of books to investigate. Although I like reading, seeing this many books felt more intimidating than anything.

It's probably because these aren't ordinary books but Grimoires. Since Grimoires are magic books filled with spells, they give off an intense mana aura around, which is currently engulfing the entire floor.

I can't believe that I didn't know something like this even existed. I've been going to the library upstairs for months now, and I didn't even know of a secret floor which was literally under my feet. And the entrance involved something from my old world no less.

I still feel ashamed for not noticing it sooner. If I had, we probably would've covered a large portion of this place by now.

I'm not even kidding when I say this whole floor was huge. This secret library was maybe two to three times larger than the upstairs one, so that means there's a lot more books than the eyes can see.

Just thinking about it is making me both curious and anxious. How the hell did Desmond even gather all these Grimoires? Was there some kind of archive that kept all of this and he just up and stole it?

I really wanted to know how and why he has all these magic books, but for now, we need to know what kind of spells in their pages. If some of the spells we find are dangerous, we'll have to seal this place off, or better yet, just destroy it.

I don't really want to do that, but I'm not taking any chances if these books are too powerful for anyone to handle. Better to just get rid of it all instead of them falling into the wrong hands.

Of course, considering the ones investigating this place is us, we shouldn't have to worry about destroying the secret library. Still, let's hope these books aren't as bad as they seem.

"Where should we check first?" Vlad asked me.

"Hmm," I took a moment to think about it while looking around.

It seems that the whole library categorized their books in alphabetical order by the Title. The current shelf isle we were close to was G-H, so let's check that out.

"Follow me," I told Vlad while walking towards the shelf isle.

While looking at all the books, I noticed how clean and new they were. It's almost as if they were just placed on the shelf. Was there some kind of protection spell on them that prevents the flow of time from getting to them?

I wasn't sensing anything off about the books besides their massive mana aura, so I decided to pull a book out to see what it was. Just like how it looked on the shelf, the book I was hold really did look clean and fresh off the shelf. It was actually kind of scary how spotless it was.

Regardless, I took a look at the title of the book, and I felt a sudden chill when I did.

"The Ghostly...Tome?" Judging from how ominous the title was, I wasn't really looking forward to what's exactly inside the book.

I soon opened up the book and read the first paragraph of the first chapter.

"Blood for blood, dust to dust. For as long as this war wages on, anything to achieve our goal is a must. In this book, we hold all our secret and knowledge passed down from our ancestors about the spells and incantations on the dark arts. Secrets of the spirit realm, how to go there, and how to summon a spirit to us. No matter how much of a taboo our acts are, this war must end at all cost. For now, we'll call this magic subject Necromancy, a magic art that manipulates with the dead."

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