· Christmas in NJ (Part 2) ·

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Alyssa's POV


I wake up feeling drowzy from the jet lag and reach out for my phone. I unplug it and rub my eyes before unlocking the phone.

11 am.

Holy shit, I've slept in a long time. 

I decide to get up for the day and get ready. I change into sweats, a sports bra, my air force ones and throw a flannel on over the top. I also brush my teeth and hair, arranging it into two ponytails. 


"Good morning," I smile, entering the kitchen and hugging grandma. "Something smells amazing in here!"

"Good morning, honey," grandma smiles, hugging me tightly. "There's fruit and muffins on the table if you're hungry"

I nod and sit at the table across from Grayson. He smiles at me as he sips his cup of coffee. 

"Did you sleep well?" he asks, running a hand through his hair. 

I nod. "Jet lag has me a bit messed up, but apart from that, yeah"

"Make sure you eat something,"Gray advises, nodding at the platter of muffins on the table. "You barely ate last night and you need the energy for today"


After breakfast, Grayson and I make our way towards the farm to do some work. I'm clearing out stables while Grayson tackles horse grooming. 

We talk about stuff as we work. The conversation mainly touches on school and YouTube, but we laugh and bond and I start to feel closer to Grayson than ever before. Something about being in our hometown, being at the house we grew up in is rubbing off on me emotionally. 



"I think I'm ready to talk to Ethan today," I sigh. "I don't know how to approach the situation though"

Gray smiles softly. "Really?"

I nod. "I'm tired of fighting. I really miss him, Gray"

Grayson flings the towel he was using on the horse over his shoulder and puts his arms around me. 

"I'm sure he misses you too," Gray says, rubbing my back. "I'm really proud of you, Alyssa. I don't say it as much as I should, but I really am"

"Thanks, Gray," I sigh. "I just want to talk to Ethan and get it over with. I hate the awkward atmosphere in the air whenever we're in the same room together"

Grayson releases me from his hold and ruffles my hair before walking back to one of the horses to finish the grooming. 

"He and Kristina are out running errands, but he'll be back soon. Talk to him then"


"Put this on the table for me, precious," grandma says, handing me a bowl of salad. 

I place the bowl on the table and then step back as Grayson, Ethan and Kristina put the rest of the food on the table. I stand there, unsure of what to do. 

Ethan and Kristina got home not long ago and grabdma wanted to have lunch now. I guess I'll have to talk to him later. The longer the talk awaits, the more I feel like backing out. I'm an overthinker so my mind likes to list all the things that could possibly go wrong. 

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