Chapter 42

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Alyssa's POV

Ethan's been acting super strange. From fuming to being the happiest and most caring guy in the world. Weird, right?

I sigh and look up from my breakfast plate that Ethan insisted on making me. I put down my ork and take a sip of my coffee, also made by Ethan. Grayson and Ethan stand by the coffee maker, both on their phones talking to people. I gesture towards the clock and Grayson nods. I stand up, grab my stuff and wave as I open the front door. Grayson blows me a kiss and I shut the door behind me.

I skip onto Damon's front porch and press the doorbell. I fix my hair and apply an extra coat of lip gloss while I wait. I smile when Alexis opens the door, a baby attached to her hip like always.

"Good morning, Alexis" I smile.

She smiles back and invites me inside.

"Your house is beautiful" I say, smiling at the younger kids messily eating at the kitchen table.

Egg shells and spilled batter litter the kitchen counters and Alexis's apron is tainted with flour. The house feels homey. I don't know why Damon always leaves.

Speak of the devil.

"Oh hey, Aly" Damon says, smiling at me.

He grabs an apple from the fruit bowl in the middle of the kitchen and ruffles his younger sisters hair, walking over to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and my heart feels like it's floating. I swear I think he's amazing.

"You guys better head off. You don't wanna be late" Alexis says, checking her watch.


Damon and I wave as we walk out the front door. Halfway down the pavement he spins me around and kisses me deeply. He pulls away and smirks at me.

"Sorry, did I take your breath away?"

I roll my eyes. He's so cocky.

"Here, I'll give it back"

He dips down and kisses me again, but this time I'm ready. I wrap my arms around his neck and push his head down a little so I get full acces to his lips. He pulls back and we run the rest of the way to school.


I quickly shove my things in my locker and grab my things for Chemistry. I'm ten minutes late but no biggie.

I slip into the science room, the teacher's back to me. I slide into a seat at the back of the class and quietly open my notebook, taking my homework out. Mr Kraft turns around just as Damon sneaks in the door. He stops and looks at Mr Kraft, Mr Kraft looking back at him. I cover my mouth, concealing a laugh.

"Damon, how lovely of you to join us"

"The pleasures all mine, sir" Damon says, sauntering over towards me.

"Go sit down. Page fifty-six"

He hoists himself onto the stool next to mine and we both open our books to the reading we left off at last class. His hand finds mine under the table and I smile softly. I'm so lucky to have him in my life. I squeeze his hand gently and keep reading.


"Who in their right mind calls this soup?"

I roll my eyes and giggle at him. He lifts his spoon, orangey brown liquid splattering back onto his tray. I squeal and lean away from him when he mimicks throwing the spoon into my hair.

"Damon Moore, don't you dare!"

He laughs and smirks.

After School

I fire off a quick text toGrayson telling him I'll be home late studying in the library. He says ok and tells me to be safe on the walk home. He's so overprotective it's nuts. 

Damon's lips latch onto my neck and a surge of electricity runs through me, making me feel light and airy. He continues along my jaw, finding my lips in the dark. Our lips meet and he makes the kiss deeper.

I think I love him.


Sorry if this isn't the same chapter you read earlier. I was writing ats chool and the internet between my house and schoolshifted, not saving this chapter. I had to rewrite half and if someone for any weird reason screenshotted this chapter please send them to me so I can rewrite this chapter to how it was before! Thank you and I'm sorry. I cried and rewote it though. Still pretty upset with how wattpad saves thigs but I tried. Thank you and I love the continous support!

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