· Expect The Unexpected ·

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Alyssa's POV


"Well, that's the end of that," I sigh, dropping my phone onto the breakfast bar as I take a seat, joining the twins in the kitchen. "Noah and I are officially over"

Grayson and Ethan share a glance. Grayson sips his coffee while Ethan clears his throat uncomfortably. 

"Are you okay?" Ethan asks, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "You need to talk or something?"

I shake my head no. 

"I appreciate it, but I'm good. It was nice while it lasted, but I miss being single"

"I miss it too," Grayson grins, setting his coffee mug down by the stove where he's frying bacon. 

I roll my eyes. "Of course you do"

Grayson chuckles and turns his full attention to the bacon frying on the stove. I help Ethan set the table for brunch and then wait as he goes to fetch Kristina. 

It's been a few days since we got back from New Jersey. Uncle Tom and Angela left immediately the day after the fight so I don't really know where I sit with them. Grandma seems to have forgiven me and the twins have brushed it off now. 

"You sure you're okay?" Gray asks, making me turn around.

Grayson's eyes meet mine and I can feel his big brother instincts kicking in. I shrug and sit down again, trying to find a way to explain how I'm feeling. 

"It feels liberating and weird at the same time. I'm sad, sure, but I know this feeling won't last forever. It's like when mom left. She's still gone, but I have you and Ethan. See? I'm sad, but I'm still here, aren't I?"

"Yes you are," Gray chuckles, reaching out to ruffle my hair. "Stop being so mature and wise"

Ethan and Kris enter the kitchen and Gray stops talking. We sit down to eat and I end up feeling better after talking and joking around with everyone. 


"Do you have to be so annoying?" I groan, glaring at Ethan as he holds a pillow to my face. 

"Do you have to be so whiny?" he shoots back.

"Alyssa's right," Kristina says, nursing her mug of green tea to her chest as Ethan and I fight. "You're an asshole"

I start laughing and Ethan stops pushing the pillow into my face. I can just imagine his expression. 

"Why are y'all ganging up on me?" he whines. "I'm not an asshole either!"

"Hmmm," I giggle, pretending to think. "I beg to differ"

"Oh my god, are they still fighting?" Grayson asks, rolling his eyes as he enters the theatre room with a tray of snacks. 

Kristina nods. "Alyssa's winning"

"She is not!" Ethan yells, proceeding to sit on me. 

I laugh until my lungs feel like their about to be crushed. Ethan's a lot heavier than he looks, trust me. 


"What was that?" Ethan asks, cupping his ear and lowering his head to my face. "I couldn't quite hear you"

"Ethan!" I gasp, trying to move him off me. "Move!"

"Not until you say I'm the better brother"

I roll my eyes. Easy. I'll say it, then take it back. 

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