· Cheaters Suck ·

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Alyssa's POV


I turn over in bed and try my best to block Ethan and Emma arguing next door to my room with a pillow. It doesn't work and I groan. I wanna sleep but every night this week they've been arguing like crazy. 

"Make it stop," I mutter quietly, staring at the moon outside my window. 

"You never wanna hang out anymore!"

"Emma, I have meetings! You have to understand the business perspective! I can't be at your service, twenty four hours a day! I can't wait on your hand and foot every hour of every fucking day!"

"I'm not asking for that!" Emma shouts. "I'm asking for us to spend more time together. You seem distant, that's all!"

"Emma, we see each other as much as we can! I've got shit to do!"

"Work and YouTube are more important than me?" Emma sounds hurt. 

"What do you want me to say, Emma?" Ethan yells. 

"You didn't have to say anything, okay? I already know the fucking answer!"

Ethan's bedroom door slams and I hear heavy footsteps go downstairs. I hold my breath when I hear the twins talking right outside my room. 

"Are y'all okay?" Grayson asks quietly. "You've been fighting like crazy"

Ethan sighs. "I don't know, man. Shit's rocky right now but Imma go see her tomorrow and hopefully get her to see reason"

"Okay, but if there's another fight, have it at her place. Alyssa's finally sleeping well and that's my first priority, okay? I don't need your relationship issues ruining her rest" Grayson sounds serious and I quickly shut my eyes in case he comes in. 

"Yeah, okay, man," Ethan sighs. "Whatever. I'm going to bed"

My door opens for a few moments before shutting again. I can breathe again when their footsteps retreat and I sigh. I hope Ethan and Emma are just going through a rough patch. Every relationship has that, right?


The next morning is awkward. I eat my cereal while Grayson and Ethan munch french toast quietly. No one speaks at all. 

"I need to go," Ethan says, suddenly standing up. "See you guys later"

"Later," Grayson says. 

"Bye," I mumble. 

Ethan ruffles my hair before making his way to the front door. As soon as he walks out, I let out a breath and sigh. 

"That was awkward"

Grayson smiles at me and shakes his head. 

"He's just going to the grocery store"

I roll my eyes and give him a "Really?" look. 

"Gray, I'm not stupid. I know he's going to Emma's. I heard everything last night. I heard everything this week actually"

Grayson sighs. 

"You're great at fake sleeping"

I laugh and Grayson takes his plate and my empty bowl to the sink. I stop laughing and suddenly, a dark thought crosses my mind.

"Grayson, you don't think they'd....break up...do you?"

He turns around and frowns at me. 

"Aly, don't say that. They're fine, honey. Don't worry about it"

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