Chapter 37

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Alyssa's POV

It's Saturday and Damon still hasn't texted me back. I hope it's not because he's mad. I sigh and pull on a hoodie over the jeans I'm wearing, walking towards the kitchen. I can hear people laughing in the kitchen and I instantly smile, knowing it's grandma and Grayson.

"Good morning," I say, sitting at the counter.

"Morning, sweetie," Grandma says, kissing my cheek.

She puts a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me before turning around to greet Ethan who's all sweaty from the gym.


As grandma's taking a nap, I'm stuck with baby cousin Noah. Don't get me wrong, I love him but he's asleep on my arm and I can't reach my phone. Ugh, I know I've become that girl that sits by her phone, waiting for the guy to call her. I can't help it. The power Damon has over me is insane.

My phone starts ringing and my hopes shoot through the roof as I lunge forwards, forgetting that Noah's asleep in my arms. I grab my phone and my heart falls when I see it's just Hayden. I sigh when I realize Noah's crying and I try to rock him back to sleep. I need to go see Damon and see what the fuck is up.

I place a sleeping Noah next to grandma on the couch and pocket my phone, slipping out the front door. I walk down the street to Damon's house, part of me hoping he's home. Knowing Damon, he's probably out though.

When I ring the bell, a lady with a sloppy brown ponytail opens the door. Her grey eyes look me over and she smiles, a baby attached to her hip. His curly brown hair and blue eyes look me over, the dimples in his cheeks making my heart soften. I love babies. This one's adorable.

"Hello, may I help you?"

I lift my eyes from the baby and address Alexis, my palms getting sweaty. I don't know why but I feel nervous talking to her. We've never really talked before, but I know she's seen me with Damon before.

"I-Is Damon here?" I ask.

Alexis shifts the baby to her other hip and sighs, shaking her head.

"He hasn't been home all day, sweetie. I'll let him know you stopped by"

I nod and turn around, walking down the pathway.

"Do you need a message passed down?"

I turn around and look at Alexis, her grey eyes looking tired.

"Nah. Just tell him to call me"

She nods and waves before shutting the door. I sigh and shove my hands in my pockets. Damn, it's cold. I decide to go home and just hang out there.


As soon as I walk through the door, Ethan pounces on me.

"Where have you been?"

"I called you five times!"

"Are you hurt?"

"Did something happen?"

"Chill out!" I chuckle, walking towards the stairs to go to my room.

"Excuse me, young lady!"

I freeze at his tone and roll my eyes when he beckons me back to the living room. I stand in front of him and look into his eyes as he sighs.

"Why didn't you tell me you went out?"

"Because it's none of your business where I go," I say.

He looks at me and I look back at him. He sighs.

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