· Christmas in NJ (Part 1) ·

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Alyssa's POV


"You ready?"

I zip up my suitcase just as Grayson walks into my room. He's showered, dressed, and holding a cup of coffee. I sigh realizing I have to do my makeup, shower and get dressed myself.

"Yeah," I reply, grabbing the clothes on my bed I set out to wear today.

Grayson and I are leaving LA to New Jersey a week early before Christmas. I'm happy to be able to see grandma again, but after the incident with Ethan, I'm not as excited as I'd usually be. 

"Hey, look at me," Grayson says softly, taking my chin in his hands so that I'm looking into his eyes. "It's okay to still be angry. It's not okay that Ethan raised his hand to you. When we get to New Jersey, I want you two to talk. It doesn't have to be right away, but you guys need to communicate and find a way to get along, yeah?"

I nod. "I want to forgive him, Gray, but every time I think of him, I just can't seem to...."

Gray lets go of my chin and sits on the bed next to me. He seems interested in what I'm saying.

"When I think of Ethan, I find it hard to stay calm" 

Grayson gives me a hug. 

"Aw, Aly, I'm sorry about that," he sighs, rubbing my back. "It'll be okay, though. Ethan never meant to hurt you and once you two talk, I hope you feel safer around him"

I nod. "Me too. I miss him"

"I'm sure he misses you too," Gray smiles softly, releasing me from his hug. "Why don't you finish getting ready and then we can grab food at the airport, yeah?"

I nod and Gray kisses my cheek before leaving. 


Grayson and I get through the airport smoothly. We get some food and then wait for our flight to be announced. 


We touch down in Jersey in the late afternoon and are one of the firsts to get off the plane. We grab our bags from baggage claim fairly quickly and then make our way to the pick-up area where grandma should be waiting for us. 

It's not hard to spot grandma. She's tall and is holding up a sign with our names on it. She smiles widely when she sees us approach her. 

"My grandbabies!" she squeals, gathering Gray and I in her arms tightly. 

"How are you, grandma?" Gray asks, chuckling as he pulls away. 

"Good, good!" she replies. "How are you two? How was the flight?"

"Not too bad," Gray replies, taking my bag and his. "Are the others at home?"


The drive to grandmas house is half an hour and I spend that time looking out the window. I was really young when we lived here, but I can still remember some moments. I miss NJ so much. I love LA, but New Jersey is different. A good kind of different that doesn't exist in California. 


Grandma parks in the large driveway and we get out. Grayson takes my bag again and tells me to help grandma into the house. 


"You two are sharing the top room again," grandma says. "Ethan and Kristina are in the room down the hall from yours"

Grandma opens the big oak door to the familiar room where the twins and I usually stay when we come here. The two king-sized beds are here and this time, Gray and I have one each. 

"Dinner's at eight," grandma says, leaving the room to let us unpack and freshen up. 

I dump my suitcase on the floor next to my closet and flop onto the comfortable bed. I miss LA suddenly. I miss Noah and the panic of Ethan just being down the hall starts getting to me. 

"Why don't you shower and change?" Grayson suggests gently, sensing my off mood. "It's five pm now. After, we can go have a walk around the farm. Does that sound good?"

I nod and curl up, shutting my eyes. I'm tired.

"Nap first," Gray says softly, kissing my cheek. "I'll be in the shower"


It's six-thirty when I'm done showering. I change into sweats, a sports bra, and throw a flannel on over the top. 

Grayson and I walk downstairs and outside into the farm. It's quiet and calm and it all looks the same. 

We walk past the chickens, rabbits, and cows. We feed the ducks by the pond some leftover bread from grandma's chopping board and laugh when they fight over the crumbs. 

Next, we visit the horses, sheep, and donkeys. We feed them carrots and apples, smiling at their cuteness. 

"They're cute, aren't they?" 

I turn around and see Ethan and Kristina stood there, smiling with their arms around each other. I swallow hard and step back behind Grayson. 

"How are you guys?" Kris asks, hugging Grayson and I. 

"I'm okay," I mumble, shying away from Ethan's embrace. 

Ethan nods and steps back, respecting my boundaries. I'm glad he's doing that. 


At dinner, I make quiet small talk with everyone and only speak when spoken to. 

I can feel Ethan studying my face as I eat, my own eyes glued to the tablecloth in front of me. 


I excuse myself to bed early and practically race upstairs as not to be near Ethan anymore. I change into some PJs and brush my hair before walking to my bed. 

I dive under the sheets, turn the lights off, and try to calm my racing heartbeat. It eventually dies down after ten minutes and I hear Grayson's footsteps coming upstairs. 

I pretend to be asleep when he comes in, adding in some fake (realistic) snores. Gray kisses my forehead, whispering a "goodnight" before walking back to his own bed.

I hear him change clothes, sigh softly, and then get into bed himself. A minute later, snores emerge from his body and I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. 

Why am I here?


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