Chapter 35

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It's been about a week since I was discharged from the hospital and the twins have been treating me like royalty. I get the TV all to myself and I'm ungrounded. I kinda feel guilty about everything but the boys have reassured me that we'll put it past us and start again. I check the time on my phone and sigh. It's three-thirty. Damon's swinging by after school to drop off some homework and hang out, but first, he has to serve after school detention for skipping a week of school for visiting me in the hospital. 

"You need something, baby?" 

I look up and see Grayson toying with my hair. 

"Nah, I'm good"

He nods and gives my hair a little ruffle before returning to his editing. I hug a couch pillow to my chest and click onto the next episode of Fresh Prince of Belair. 

4:45 pm

The doorbell rings and Grayson opens it, allowing Damon inside. I sit up from the couch and smile when I see his face. His hair is messy and his mouth is turned into his usual smirk. 

"Merry Christmas!" he announces, dropping a pile of papers, binders and pens onto the table. 

I laugh and jump up, hugging him tightly. He hugs me back and then pulls away, starting to complain about his day. I roll my eyes but listen, smiling the whole time. 

"It's not funny!" he says, sounding exasperated with my giggles. 

"I'm sorry! You had Ms Beck and what did she call you again?"

"A lazy pillock!" (Pillock: A stupid or foolish person)

I start laughing and wheezing as Damon laughs too, his eyes shining. 

"School is so boring without you," he sighs. "When are you coming back?"

I shrug. "The school gave me two weeks off but If I'm ready to go then I can come back earlier"

Damon looks hopeful and my face falls. Does he not know how bad I still feel? His face suddenly looks apologetic and he sighs. 

"I'm sorry I don't mean to pressure you," he says, squeezing my hand gently. "You come back when you're ready and I'll be there for you"

"Thanks, Dames"

His face suddenly turs rigid and I laugh out loud, blushing a little.

"What did I say about calling me that?!"

I laugh at his face as he tries to look mad. 

"I'm sorry. Do you like teddy bear Dames more?"

"Alyssa," he growls. "Imma kill you"

I laugh and hit his arm gently. "C' mon. I have a lot of homework and I need help"

He sighs but gives me a weary smile. "Fine"


9:30 pm


"You comfy?" 

I nod and watch Ethan draw my curtains closed. He walks back and kisses my forehead, tucking the sheets a little tighter around me. 

"Goodnight, angel. Sweet dreams,"

"Goodnight," I sigh happily, snuggling down into my pillow.

I shut my eyes and hear Ethan shut my lights off, closing the door. 


Next day- 6 pm


"C' mon, grandma," Damon sighs, impatiently.

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