· Frustrations ·

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Sorry for the late uploads everyone. I was in a writer's block rut and I seem to be slowly recovering from it....hopefully. 

Enjoy! xx


Alyssa's POV


This stomach bug will be the death of me. If I'm not lying down, my stomach will make sure I endure pain and nausea at all times. 

"Can you pass me the salt, please?"

I slide the salt grinder over to Grayson and he smiles, taking it. He turns around to salt the pasta water before turning to face me again. He looks concerned as I wince.

"Fuuuuuck," I groan softly, squeezing my eyes shut to ignore the pain somehow. 

"Painful, huh?" Gray sighs, walking around the kitchen island to rub my back. "Did you take the pills I gave you earlier?"

I nod. "They didn't help much"

Grayson presses his palm to my forehead and sighs as I lean against him. 

"Your fever is still pretty high, honey"

"No shit," I mutter. 

"Hey!" Grayson chuckles, not actually sounding mad. "I should be lecturing you for that language, but you're sick so I'll let it slide"

"Oh, cool," I smirk, sitting up when the pain subsides. "Fuck, shit, motherfucker-"

"Don't push it, loser," Gray sighs, planting a kiss to the top of my head. 

Grayson goes back to the boiling pot and adds pasta while I go on my phone. I sigh when I see two missed calls from Noah and turn my phone off as the anxiety bubbles up inside me. I know I have to talk to him soon, but I don't want to talk to him today. Or tomorrow, for that matter. 

"Everything okay?" Gray asks, taking a knife from the kitchen drawer to dice some onion. 

I shrug. 

"Talk to me," Gray says, raising an eyebrow at me. "Now"

"Noah's been trying to call and text me," I sigh, playing with my clear phone case. "I know I should talk to him, but I don't want to. I feel weird and anxious whenever I think about the situation"

"Talk to him when you're ready, kiddo. You don't need the extra stress and anxiety at the moment, okay? Did you at least tell him you're not pregnant?"

I nod. I texted Noah yesterday and just wrote "negative test" with nothing else. He's been blowing up my phone, asking what we are and I don't know what to respond with. 

I rest my head on the kitchen counter and take a deep breath, starting to feel light-headed again. God, I hate being sick so much. The doctor said this could go on for another week and I am so not down for it. 


When the food is ready, Grayson and I sit in the living room to watch TV. As we eat, my stomach starts acting up and I have to stop. 

"Gray?" I mumble, lying down with my head on his lap. 


"I miss food"

Grayson chuckles quietly and strokes my hair. His hand slips down my neck and to my back, rubbing slowly. 

"I know you do, sweetheart. You'll be better soon though"

I shut my eyes as Grayson's fingers brush through my hair. The feeling is soothing and comforting.

"Gray, does Ethan know I'm not...you know...pregnant?"

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