Chapter 95

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Alyssa's POV

"The doctor said to take it easy so if you need any help-"

"Ethan, I think I can manage to get dressed by myself," I sigh.

He nods and keeps his mouth shut. He leaves the hospital room so I can get changed and I can finally breathe. I love my family, don't get me wrong, but the way they all crowd around each other when something happens is suffocating. Now, for example. 

I thank god that Grayson got my clothes because they match and are simple. Ethan would've completely fucked it up. I love Ethan but his style....let's just not talk about it. 

When I'm done, I meet Ethan outside and he signs the discharge papers. Then we get in the car with Grayson and grandma. 


Grayson's POV


The moment we get home grandma makes Alyssa eat breakfast but she refuses. I just watch from the living room, too tired to even tell her to listen to grandma. 

"Alyssa Dolan, you will eat something and that's final. Do you want to make me worry? Do you want your brothers to-"

"I ate at the hospital!" Alyssa argues, cutting grandma off.

Grandma looks surprised at Alyssa's attitude. I'm surprised too. Normally, Alyssa can control her temper and attitude pretty well around her.

"Alyssa," grandma sighs, running a hand through her hair. "Please! Just a few bites"

"I already ate," Alyssa says again, her tone calmer than before. 

"Are you trying to agitate me?" grandma sighs, shoving pots and pans in the dishwasher. 

"What kinda question is that?" Alyssa says biting her thumbnail. "Don't you think I feel bad enough? Don't you think I know how much of an issue I am for everyone?"

"Stop that," grandma says sharply. "You know everyone's just trying to help you. You are not an issue. You're a wonderful kid that no one in our family wants to lose!"

"I'm not dying!" Alyssa sighs, scooping her hair up into a ponytail. "You're all talking as if I'm not here. Jesus, I'm not dead!"

"You could've been!" grandma says. 

when she turns around I can see there are tears in her eyes. She walks into the living room and towards me, handing me a cup of coffee. When I take it she sighs and wipes a tear. 

"Grandma, don't cry," I sigh, holding her hand in mine. "She's okay. She's safe and at home"

"I know that my dear," she sniffs, looking down at me. "She's just different lately. It's breaking my heart"

I nod. "Well, I'm part of the reason along with-" I swallow hard. "Amy"

Grandma shakes her head. "I'm glad she's gone"

I nod. "Me too"

"Grayson, it's okay if you're upset. You guys have been together for almost a year. It's only natural"

I shake my head no. "Honestly I thought of dumping her anyway. She was too annoying and clingy and when she hurt Alyssa it was game over"

Grandma leans down and kisses my cheek. When she stands up she sighs and looks at Alyssa who has her head down on the table. 


"Hm?" I look up at her and sip my coffee. 

"Can you talk to her?"

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