Chapter 49

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Alyssa's POV

"So he just stared at you?"

"Yeah. He just stood there and looked me over"

Hayden steals another chip from my plate and chews it, looking at me and raising an eyebrow.


"I still like him" I admit.

Hayden's mouth falls open and he shrugs. "Do what you want but if you want my opinion-"

"No. No I don't" I say gently.

He looks at me for a couple seconds before nodding and switching the conversation to the school's football game this weekend. I nod and say "mm" at the right times but then again start to think about Damon. He's not in the cafeteria. The first thing I noticed when I walked in.

Damon's POV

I crouch down and let my fingers search for the key under the front door mat. I find it and sigh, letting myself in the house. Alexis is at work so I should be fine for another few hours.

I sit on my bed and kick my shoes off, a wave of emotion making me feel dizzy and nauseus. I hate feeling this way. It's such an unusual feeling. Normally I'm the one who does the heartbreaking.

Suddenly angry, I rip open my bedside table drawer and search for some cigarettes or alchohol. Anything to numb the pain. There's nothing. I smoked them all last night.


I kick the side of my bed and wince when a searing pain goes through my foot. I sit on the bed and blink away my hot salty tears, rubbing my foot. I need Alyssa dammit.

Alyssa's POV

"Hey guys" I say, shutting the front door behind me.

Ethan looks up from his laptop and smiles at me. Grayson also smiles from the couch. They can tell I'm in a better mood.  

"How was school?"

Ethan's POV

Alyssa sits down on the couch and gets her homework out. I watch as she answers Grayson's question, her smile the widest it's been in a month.

"Hayden and I finished all our projects so I'm cleared workwise for the rest of the week. It's a relief because..."

I give Grayson a look and he returns it. Alyssa's been talking about Hayden a lot. I don't know if they're dating again but I know how much of a fuss Grayson and I threw about them. Maybe they are but she doesn't wanna tell us.

I shake the feeling off and smile. I'm just thankful that she's forgetting about Damon.

Later - 2 am

I take my headphones off and place them over my computer, a yawn and escaping my lips. I check the time and groan softly. Two am. I promised myself I'd try to get to bed earlier.
I stand up and stretch. My back and neck hurt from sitting at my desk chair for three hours straight, gaming. I switch my controller off and walk to the bathroom across the hall.
Wetting my toothbrush, I proceed to brush my teeth. I rinse my mouth and spit the frothy toothpaste out.

As I walk back to my room, I hear something from behind Alyssa's bedroom door. Curious, I press my body to her door, my hand on the handle.
I think she's crying.
I open the door and creep in slowly. Her curled up figure in bed and the way her body shakes gives me a feeling that I'm right.


She stops and sits up, rubbing her eyes. She smiles at me but it's unstable. The moonlight spills in through her window and hits her eyes. She blinks and more tears fall down her cheeks.

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