· Blood Doesn't Mean Family ·

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Alyssa's POV


I open my eyes to the usual sound of chickens and birds outside my bedroom window. For a second, I forget I'm in Jersey and roll over, expecting to see a lilac wall. Instead, I come face to face with a white wall belonging to grandma's guest room where Grayson and I have been staying for the past week.

I groan softly and stretch a hand out, feeling around for my phone. The phone turns on and shows me the time.

9 am

I sigh and sit up, feeling the sleepiness try to drag me back down into the pillows. I ignore the urge and get dressed instead, pulling a black beanie on to complete my gothic look today.

I yawn and wash my face before applying eyeliner, lashes and lip liner

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I yawn and wash my face before applying eyeliner, lashes and lip liner. I finish with a clear gloss and then brush my hair and teeth. Once I'm happy with my appearance, I pocket my phone and jog downstairs.

"Good morning, angel," grandma smiles, giving me a side-hug as I enter the kitchen.

"Morning, grandma," I smile back, pecking her cheek before sitting at the breakfast counter.

I put my phone on the wooden surface of the counter and look at grandma as she butters toast, humming a cute little tune. I love my grandma so much. It's sad to think she won't live forever.

"Where's Gray and everyone?" I ask, distracting my mind from sad events.

"Your brothers went to the farm about an hour ago and Kristina's having coffee out on the porch swing," grandma replies, pouring me a glass of orange juice. "They didn't want to have breakfast until later, silly things. I'm glad you're normal and decide to eat with me at a normal time!"

I nod but look down at my hands. It's weird. Some days I eat a lot and feel fine. On others, I eat little and feel guilty.

"Toast, eggs, sausages?" grandma asks, nodding towards her heating oven where everything's waiting for everyone. "Or all of them?"

"I think I'll eat later with everyone else," I say. "I'll join the guys outside and help them out a little"

Grandma smiles and cups my face with one hand, moving my head from side to side.

"You guys work too much"

I shrug. "The twins do. I don't do anything"

Grandma frowns. "Honey, that's not true. You work hard at school and you're dealing with your mental health and it takes immense strength and courage to keep going the way you do. Everyone is hard working in their own ways, dear"

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