Chapter 71

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Alyssa's POV

"Missed a spot," I smirk, following Nate around the school. It's 5 pm and he has detention for swearing in class. Punishment resulting in after school clean up duty.

He eyes me and I can't help laughing at his facial expression. I may or may not be enjoying this a little. Nate and I have been going out for three weeks now and the twins don't suspect a thing. Thank god. When I told them I got stood up by Nate a couple of weeks back they told me not to waste my time with him. They looked mad too.

"Oh, really?" He asks, lifting the disgusting grey damp mop up to my face. "Think you can do better?"


Later, when Nate's walking me home, he asks me something that almost makes my heart jump out of my chest.

"Hey, why don't you come over, Friday night?"

"T-to your place?"


I bite the inside of my cheek and sigh. How am I going to get this past Ethan and Grayson?
They have been pretty busy recently....and I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell a little white lie.....fuck it.

"Sure," I reply.

He kisses my cheek and smiles at me. "We're going to have so much fun"


I wait till the boys are done in the gym before talking to them about Friday night. They're always in better moods after they've worked out.

"Hey, muffin" Ethan grins, putting a sweaty arm around me.

I cringe and dip out from under his hold. He stinks.

"Hey," I start carefully. "Is it okay if I spend the night at my friends house this weekend?"

Ethan ruffles my hair and smiles. "Sure"

"Hang on," Grayson interjects. "Which friend?"

He grabs a water bottle from the fridge and downs it quickly, looking at me with narrowed eyes.
He has a right to be suspicious. I never leave the house and my only friends are really Emma and Nate, but of course they don't know about Nate. Holy shit, I didn't think this all the way through. What if they find out I'm lying?
I start sweating and my heart beat speeds up as Ethan now is frowning.

"Uh....Emily. Yeah, her parents are out of town and she was just asking. It's okay if I can't go but-"

"We haven't heard of an Emily," Grayson says, raising an eyebrow.

I swallow hard and maintain eye contact. "Yeah. She's um new"

"She nice?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah" I nod. "Anyway I kinda have to get back to her today-"


I look at Grayson in surprise. He sighs and closes the fridge.

"Honey, I'm sorry but E and I have too much to do this weekend. Plus, it doesn't seem like you know Emily very well yet"

"She's not exactly going to murder me is she?" I sigh.

"Aly, I'm sorry but it's a no"

"Oh alright" I sigh again. I exit the kitchen and walk upstairs feeling defeated.

I text Nate and tell him I can't come on Friday. I shut my phone off and get out my homework. As I do it, I get a response immediately.

Nate- why not?

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