Chapter 33

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Damon's POV

I take a puff from my cigarette and release some smoke into the air. My boots crunch on fallen twigs and leaves as I walk deeper into the woods. Something about being in the woods at night makes me feel free. For all I care, a man could come running at me with an axe and I'd let him chop my fucking head off. I have nothing to live for anyway. 

I take another drag of my cigarette and look at my watch. Seven pm and it's already dark. I look up at the sky and marvel at how bright the stars are tonight. I take a sharp breath in and start coughing, my lungs suffering at the abuse from the cigarette. Fuck. 

The stars get brighter and brighter as I lean against an old weathered log. My leather jacket keeps me warm as I slide another cigarette out of the package. I cup my hand around the cigarette and the lighter, blocking the wind from putting it out. I need it. I sweep my eyes lazily over my surroundings as I intake more smoke. My heart pangs as an image of Alyssa and I watching the stars enters my mind. If I wasn't such a cold-hearted fuck than maybe she'd be in my arms right now. She'd be mine. 

I look down at my bruised knuckles and sigh as I peel some crusted blood off. I really wish I could talk to Alyssa right now. She's tried so hard to get close to me. I'll admit it, I got scared and pushed her away, harshly. 

I don't happen to like myself very much these days. 

My phone flashes and I groan when I see who it is. Alexis*. I roll my eyes and silence it. She needs to leave me alone. 

*Alexis is Damon's foster mom in case you forgot :)

I decide to walk back home and come back tomorrow evening. Brushing the dirt from my jeans, I make sure I have my phone and cigarettes before walking in the direction I came from. Suddenly, I see something move by an old tree. At first, I think it's an injured animal. I walk closer and soon find out that it's a human being. They're bleeding. 

"Hey," I say, kneeling down next to them. 

I gently roll the girl onto her back and move the hair out of her face. My heart skips a beat when I realize who it is. Her eyes open slightly and I get a sight of those beautiful hazel eyes. I'd know those eyes anywhere. 

Her eyelids drop and her body goes a little limp. I lay her back down on the ground and shrug my leather jacket off. I wrap it around her bleeding arm tightly. Applying pressure to stop the bleeding, my other hand fishes for my phone and I dial 911. 

"911, what's your emergency'"

"Hello, my name is Damon. I need an ambulance for forest forty-six. My friend is bleeding and unconscious!"

"I'm sending an ambulance now"

"Thank you"

I end the call and shove my phone in my back pocket. I look down at Alyssa and hug her body to my chest. This can't be happening. 

"Alyssa, please! Wake up"

No response. She doesn't open her eyes but I can still feel a pulse when I put two fingers up to the side of her neck. 

"C' mon, Aly. Stay awake. Can you hear the ambulance coming?"

I'm desperate right now. I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut, tears sliding down my face and onto hers. 

"I can't lose you!" I cry, rocking her back and forth. 

Where's that stupid ambulance?

In the ambulance

"White female, brown hair, brown eyes, five-foot-four, possible head injuries and immense blood loss. Goes by the name of Alyssa Dolan, fourteen years old and needs immense care"

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