Chapter 65

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Alyssa's POV

Breakfast the next morning is silent. Angela's face creases in pain every time grandma bashes her pots and pans around together putting them away. Her hangover is serious but would be funny if it wasn't under the circumstances of us both being in trouble.
When Grayson heard what went down yesterday I swear I could've seen smoke coming out of his nose and ears.
I remember he had started to yell but Ethan said we'd talk about it later. Grayson then stormed off and in no attempt to even look in my direction.


"Grandma, what do I do?"

She sighs and shrugs. "I don't know sweetie"

I groan and rub my face with my hand. "Grayson is so mad!"

"Alyssa, baby, he's just very against fighting family physically. You know how he loves you and Angela very much. He just wants you to love each other now"

I'm about to talk but stop when Grayson enters the kitchen. He doesn't look at me and just grabs a glass of water.

"Hey, honey, you want some coffee?" Grandma asks.

"No thanks," he sighs. "I need to go out and do something"

"Like what?" I ask brightly, trying to clear the air between us.

He eyes me for a second before shaking his head and walking out. I sigh and look at grandma.


She sighs. "Just let him be alone for a while. You know how he is"

"I do" I whine. "And it's annoying. His silent treatment is deadly"

"Just give him space" she smiles softly. "You guys are so close I wouldn't doubt that you two won't be back in a few days"

"I hope so" I sigh.

I stand up from the kitchen stool and walk outside. Fresh air sounds so good right now.
I sit on the porch swing and look out over the grassy fields. A realization suddenly hits me. The twins are twenty years old and getting sick of looking after me.
Tears mist my eyes and the tears start pouring down. Before long, I'm sobbing into my hands. This, this is when they put me up for adoption or...or kick me out.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why's my little Alybear crying?"

I look up and see grandpa walking up the porch steps. He sits next to me on the swing and puts a comforting arm around me.

"I'm fine, grandpa" I sniffle.

"No you're not," he sighs, moving some hair over my shoulder. "Is this about the twins? Angela?"


He sighs. "Talk to me, sweetheart"

"I-It just feels like they're going to m-move on without m-me"

"What do you mean?"

"It feels like they're sick of me, grandpa! Like they wanna kick me out and never see me again! It hasn't just been this week but back home in LA too. They have so many meetings and it makes me feel like they don't have time for me or that they feel like they have to spend time with me because I'm such a charity case!"

"Woah! Take a breather there, little one!"

I wipe my tears away with my sleeve and sigh.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really upset for some reason"

Grandma shakes his head and tuts.

"Don't apologize for your feelings, Alyssa. If that's the way you feel then talk to your brothers. And I promise they'd never kick you out, okay? They love you way too much to do that"

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