· The Return of Noah Beck ·

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Alyssa's POV



I try to match Ethan's enthusiasm as they hug and kiss and laugh together. Today's the day Ethan and Kristina see each other for the first time in a long time. She's going to be here over Christmas which means she's going to be living with us for quite some time. I don't know how to feel about it, or about her for that matter. However, I don't get the time because before I know it, Kristina gives me a big hug and I stiffen, unsure of what to do.

I don't hate the girl by any means. I'm just still adjusting to Ethan and Emma's breakup. I can see myself liking Kristina, but I wanna take things slow.


When we get home, the first thing the guys do is start their workout. I introduce Kristina to Sterling, the twins's assistant. They hug and exchange pleasntries while I stand to the side awkwardly.

I show Kristina to her room and she unpacks and showers while waiting for the guys to finish their workout. I go back to my room and watch Netflix.


That night, Ethan makes Italian Stromboli and to be honest, it's actually pretty good. We talk and get to know each other more, including Kristina.


When dinner is over, the twins decide to set up a movie night and I agree to watch it with them. Ethan sets up snacks, Kristina gets drinks and Grayson sets up the TV. I'm just about to stuff a handful of popcorn into my mouth when the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it," I offer.

I swing my legs over the couch and walk towards the front door. When I open it, a tall girl stands in front of me. Her curled brown hair bounces around her shoulders and her pale blue eyes catch me by surprise. She's gorgeous.

"Hey," I smile. "Can I help you?"

The girl nods and stands there analyzing me for a couple of seconds. She suddenly face palms and laughs, shaking her head in apology. Yep, she's got the wrong house.

"You're Alyssa, right?"

I stare at this female, unsure of what to do. Is she a fan of the twins or?

"I'm so dumb. Please excuse me," the girl smiles wearily. "Is Grayson here? He invited me over. By the way, you are so much prettier in person"

I blush hard. I hate compliments.

"Thanks," I smile, hiding the fact that I'm embarrassed. "Come in. Grayson's in the living room"


The way Grayson hugs Lauren (the girl) tells me they're good friends. She seems really nice and compliments the new house. Grayson takes her on a tour of the house and I'm left with Ethan and Kristina who can't seem to keep their hands off each other.

I mock vomiting and ignore Ethan rolling his eyes at me. Sonething's in the air tonight.


When the time reads ten o'clock, the doorbell rings once again and I internally scream. Who else now? More girls?

I stand up and go to the door. I open it and feel a lump form in my throat when I see who it is.

"Hey, Aly"

I stand there in shock while Noah smiles softly. He looks effortlessly cool in a leather jacket, a white t-shirt and black jeans. His curly hair is perfectly styled and his smile makes my heart beat against my chest quickly.

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