Chapter 16

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Friday- 7 am- Alyssa's POV

My alarm beeps me awake as usual and I groan. I really don't wanna get up for the day. The only thing I'm looking forward to is my weekly cafe meeting with Emma at The Teacup. I encourage myself to get out of bed and get dressed. 

"Good morning!" Grayson shrills as I walk in. 

I drop my bag by a chair and slump in my seat. I'm in a bad mood and I know today's going to be a long day.

"Morning" I mumble. 

"Did you see the sunset? It's beautiful!" Ethan smiles, walking into the kitchen. "Morning Alyssa"

I groan and rest my head on the table. Why's everyone in such a good mood?

"You feeling okay?" Ethan asks, feeling my forehead for a temperature. 

I push him off and storm off to my bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. On my way out I hear Grayson sigh. 

"She's in a bad mood" 

Yeah, no shit Grayson. I roll my eyes and brush my teeth. I kinda wanna go to school now. I don't wanna be around here with them being all positive. 

"Alyssa, honey. Ready to go?" Grayson says, knocking on the door. 

I say nothing and just open the door. I walk past him and out towards his car. I honestly don't know why I'm in such a bad mood. I think it's just the fact that the only friends I have are falling away from me. 


I open my locker and a notecard with a few words on it fall out. I bend down and pick it up, reading the sentence.

Meet me by the bleachers at lunch. We need to talk- Hayden 

I roll my eyes and stuff the notecard in my back pocket. I'll deal with it later I guess. I start walking towards my first-period class and take a deep breath as I walk in and see the word loser written all over my desk. Angry, I walk towards it and try to erase it. Today is going to be hell.


I put my books away in my locker and walk outside to the bleachers. As I advance towards them, my eyes land on the football players practising for the big game in a couple of weeks. They're pretty good. One of them catches my eye and my breath gets caught in my throat. It can't be...What? The boy waves his delicate long fingers at me. I'd know those damn beautiful dark blue eyes anywhere. 

Suddenly, I get pulled under the bleachers and gasp in surprise.

"Hello to you too" Hayden chuckles, his hand still on my arm. 

I shake it off. It's like his hand's burning my skin. I don't know where I stand on his line of many girls and frankly, I don't wish to know. His smile makes me kinda angry. Why's he so happy? Damn, I have a real problem with people being happy today. 

"What do you want" I grit through my teeth, fixing him with my deepest glare. 

He puts his hands up in mock surrender and laughs. "Damn, baby, why so cold?"

"Stop fucking around and get to the point. I'm sure there are girls waiting to eat your lips off your face and-"

"I still love you"

That shuts me up real quick. He what? My hands start trembling and I wanna punch him in his perfect face. His brown eyes try to lure me in and I just about resist the temptation. Instead, I take the high road and get the fuck out of there. I run out from under the bleachers and towards the cafeteria. Fuck him. I hate him for making me feel this way. So powerless over my own emotions. 

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