Chapter 81

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Alyssa's POV


I can't fucking deal with this today. 

I groan and flush the toilet, trudging sleepily over to my bathroom drawer where my tampons live. I open a new box and take one out, wincing in pain as the cramps start to settle in. 

I hate being a girl so much. Periods are the most annoying things in the world and they come along too soon. Ethan and Grayson also hate when I'm on my period because I'm moody and argumentative, which they can't deal with. 

I sigh and insert the tampon easily before putting the box back in the drawer. I walk back to bed and breathe out in relief seeing that I didn't leak any blood all over it. 

I get back into bed and pull the sheets back over me, sighing as my phone turns on with a notification. Five am. 

I have to get up for school in two hours. I'm in pain, I feel awful and I haven't slept a wink. 





"Aly bear, wake up" 

I open my eyes and groan softly when I see Ethan shaking my shoulder. My alarm is going crazy and I want to throw my phone at the wall. 

"Alyssa, cmon. Get up"

"No..." I mumble, turning over and facing the wall.

"Do you need me to get some cold water?" 

"Ethan!" I sigh. "Go away!"

He chuckles and ruffles my hair. "Cmon, grumps. I'm coming back in five to see if you're up"

"Good. Get out" 

He laughs and I hear his footsteps fade. I groan and manage to get myself out of bed. Damn it's cold. 

I quickly get dressed and am just putting my shoes on when Ethan comes back

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I quickly get dressed and am just putting my shoes on when Ethan comes back. He smiles at me while I just glare. He laughs and walks away. 

I shut my eyes and wince as another cramp rattles my body. I feel so dizzy that I have to rest my head on my knees for a few minutes. 

"Aly, you okay?"

I look up and see Emma in my bedroom, a worried look on her face. She's wearing one of Ethan's shirts that stop mid-thigh and her messy hair is in a bun. She still looks really pretty. I wish I looked pretty getting out of bed like that. 

I nod and stand up quickly to reassure her that I'm fine. This, however, is not good for the dizziness. 

"Alyssa, are you crying? Don't cry, babe"

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