Chapter 72

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Alyssa's POV

So turns out I'm grounded and without a phone for a week. I think it's a little harsh but Ethan's barely talking to me now so I'll do whatever it takes to get him to see me as he did before.
I turn the TV off and flip the remote back and forth in my hands, reading all the buttons. Being without a phone, being deprived of Nate and not being let out of the house is really starting to annoy and piss me off.

"Alright, I have to go," Grayson says, shrugging on his jacket and zipping it up.

"No!" I sit up and look at him with a face that I hope convinced him to stay. "You know he won't talk to me, Grayson! Please don't leave us alone together!"

He chuckles and ruffles my hair. "Well then go talk to him and fix whatever the hell's wrong between you two"

"It's not that easy," I argue. "You know how stubborn he is!"

"You're stubborn too," Gray points out, kissing my cheek. "Now I have to go before I'm late. Love you"

"Love you too," I grumble.

7 am

I grab my bag and tie my shoelaces tightly as the clock strikes seven. I have to leave for school soon or I'll also be late.
I decide to walk the twenty minutes because Ethan will most likely not wanna drive me for obvious reasons. He's probably still asleep anyway.

I walk upstairs and knock gently on Ethan's door. It opens and he rolls his eyes when he sees it's me.


"I'm leaving for school now. Just thought I should let you know"

"Why? I shouldn't be worried about you right? You're all grown up and capable of doing everything by yourself because you know the world so well" Ethan says, folding his arms across his chest. He looks angry again.

I feel attacked. I know he hates the thought of Nate and I kissing and being in the same room together but what's he gonna do when I'm seventeen or eighteen when I can actually move in with him?

"You're going to have to accept this, Ethan," I sigh. "What happens when I go to live in the same house as him? What, you're not going to talk to me anymore?"

He chuckles and shakes his head at him. "Look at you thinking y'all gonna be together forever. Fuck, Alyssa! Wake up! He's just using you! Soon enough he'll dump you like yesterday's trash. Smarten up and use your head, dammit!"

Tears well in my eyes as each word he spits out burns a hole in my heart. How is he being so cruel?

"That really hurts my feelings, Ethan! Don't say that" I say, my voice trembling.

"I don't give a fuck, Alyssa. I really don't. Go to school, or don't! Get out of the house, or don't! But don't come crying to me when this doesn't work out okay? Cause I won't be there! You might as well get your shit and get the fuck out because you ruined my life! You think I wanted to be your parent? Fuck, no!"

As he keeps yelling at me I blink and the tears fall. A strong ache settles in my chest and I suddenly can't breathe.

"IF IM SUCH A BURDEN THEN I'L GO!" I yell, my adrenaline making me go crazy.

"Go, then. No one's stopping you!"

I do just that. I run into my room and frantically start throwing clothes in my bag along with other things like my toothbrush and makeup. Tears slide down my face as my mind replays all the times I thought they didn't love me. I can't believe it's actually happening.
Not wanting to be here anymore, I quickly zip up my bag and run downstairs and out the front door.

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