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Alyssa's POV


"What are you going to want for your birthday?"

I groan and lay down on the bed next to Noah. We're in his room. We're supposed to be studying but we got sidetracked with "stuff".

"Nothing," I reply.

"Any idea on what you wanna do?" Noah asks again, hugging a pillow to his chest.

I shrug. "No"

"Alyssa, It's your sweet sixteen. You have to have something planned, surely. Every girl does"

I shrug again. "I don't"

"Well, what would you like to do?"

"Ugh, Noah you're like a dog with a freaking bone!"

"Sorry!" He chuckles. "My bad, but you have to do something"

"I don't feel like doing anything," I sigh, slowly admitting to the fact I'm scared.

I'm scared. Yes, I'm scared of my birthday. I don't know what I want to do or even if I want to do anything. This month, my anxiety has been the worst it's ever been. I don't trust myself not to go into a panic attack and ruin my day. I'll just tell the twins I don't want by do anything.

"Cmon, let's finish this project," I sigh, desperate to shift the attention away from my nonexistent birthday. "It's due Friday and I'd rather finish


No ones in when I get home. I get a text from Ethan telling me them and the girlfriends are having a double date tonight
I roll my eyes. I'm surprised he's even texted me. These days, I can't even talk to him without anyone around.

I text back an "okay" and pocket my phone. I settle on the couch to finish my English homework and turn the TV on for some background sound.


I make myself

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