• Noah Beck is a Hottie•

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Alyssa's POV - 7 am

The next morning I wake up early and start getting ready. My coffee date is at ten and I need to figure out what to wear.

By the time I look through shirts, skirts, jeans, dresses and shorts, it's nine am. I put them together, I put them apart, I test colors and I finally groan.
That's it, I'm not going.

I flop onto my bed and groan frustratedly. I have nothing to wear!

Knock knock

"Yeah?" I reply lazily.

My door opens and Grayson sticks his head in. He smiles at me and chuckles.

"You better get up now before you're late for your date"

"That's alright. I'm not going"

Grayson frowns. "That's ridiculous! Of course you are, honey"

"I look awful in everything, Grayson. I can't go"

"Oh, Aly," he sighs, walking towards me. "Stop that. You look good in everything! Hell, I thought that was your biggest flex"

"I think it's overthinking" I grumble.

Gray raises an eyebrow and folds his arms.

"Alyssa, when you came home yesterday, that was the happiest you've looked since we got back from New Jersey. Now I know what you're like! You'll regret not going on this date. So get your ass out of bed and get dressed. I'll make you some coffee"

Grayson leaves and I roll my eyes. I hate when he's right.


Half an hour later, I'm dressed, my hair is curled and my face is made up.
I jog downstairs and into the kitchen where Grayson hands me my mug of coffee.

"You look beautiful, sweetheart," Gray assures me, giving me a hug.

"Thanks," I smile, hugging him back.

I take my mug and sip, letting the bittersweet taste of coffee coat my tastebuds. I sigh and feel my body slowly wake up.

"What time are you meeting this boy?" Gray asks, smirking at me. "Will I have time to meet him?"

I almost choke on my coffee. I shake my head and scoff.

"Meet him? Yeah, right"

"Hey!" Gray protests, mocking being offended. "I'm your big brother. I have a right to meet him!"

"You'd scare him off before he could even step foot in the house!" I say, placing my empty coffee cup in the dishwasher. "You can meet him after a few dates. If this one goes well, that is"

"It will," Gray smiles reassuringly.


Ben is a perfect gentleman when he comes to the house. He rings the bell and when I answer, he gives me a handsome smile.

"Hey! You clean up nice*

"Thanks," I smile, accepting his hug. "You don't look too bad yourself"

Noah steps back and releases me from his hug. A hand touches my shoulder and I groan.

"Grayson..." I grit through my teeth.

"Hi, sir, nice to meet you!" Noah smiles, extending his hand to shake Gray's.

Grayson shakes his hand and smiles.

"Call me Grayson, bud. Nice to meet you too"

"Okay. We're going to go now" I sigh, pushing Grayson back and giving Noah an apologetic smile. 

"You two have fun. Aly, call me if you won't be home by one, okay?"

I nod. "Okay"

Grayson shuts the door and Noah chuckles. He gives me a cute smile and offers his hand. I take it and we walk down the street towards the cafe.


"Noah, don't you dare..."

He gives me an evil smirk and scoops a spoonful of whipped cream off his milkshake. He bends his spoon back and before I can react, I get a glob of cream on my nose. 

"Noah!" I protest. 

"Sorry," he smiles, showing me his perfect pearly whites. 

"You'll regret that"

"Sure," he shrugs, not looking bothered at all.

I decide to leave him alone and enjoy my delicious cupcake. Vanilla cake with perfectly piped pink buttercream frosting. I push my fork into the cake and take a bite. These are so good!

I keep eating and listen to Noah as he tells me more about his family and his life and hobbies. He tells me that his parents are the sweetest people in the world and that his older sisters (Haley and Tatum) can be nice but are assholes most of the time. I laugh at that part.

"So what about your family?" Noah asks, eyeing me curiously. 

I put my fork down and take a sip of water before replying. 

"I live with my brothers"

Noah nods but the look of curiosity still sits in his eyes. I know he wants to ask about my parents but isn't sure. I decide to put him out of his misery. 

"Both my parents suck, is all you need to know," I chuckle. "They're not in the picture"

Noah nods and frowns. 

"How's that? Only if you want to tell me of course"

I smile at his honesty and kindness. 

"My mom got into drugs when I was young and has continued ever since. My dad is in prison for abusing me and thankfully, I have two older brothers of age to look after me so I don't need to end up in foster care"

"Why did you laugh at that?" Noah asks. "That's pretty dark"

I shrug. "I laugh as a coping mechanism. It happened so long ago that it doesn't really bother me anymore"

Noah nods. "I can understand that"

I continue eating my cupcake and stop when I see Noah staring at my lips.

"What?" I ask. "Do I have something on my face?"

"Yeah. Let me get that for you"

"I'm such a messy eater! I swear you can't-"

Noah's lips press against mine and I feel my eyes widen in shock and surprise. I shut my eyes and enjoy the kiss before he pulls away. He smiles and raises an eyebrow.

"Take me anywhere," I finish my sentence, breathless with satisfaction. 

Woah, was that kiss good. Noah winks at me and that's when my insides turn to mush. Who is this boy with killer brown eyes and lips of velvet? 

Noah smirks and his dimples appear.

Okay, I have made my final decision. 

Noah Beck is a hottie.

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