• The Favourite Couple •

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(This idea will be continued throughout the next few chapters)

Alyssa's POV

It's getting closer and closer to Halloween. Grayson and Lauren are in the bests of moods. Everyday this month they've been decorating the house, making pumpkin flavored treats, and even going to the pumpkin patch every day.
Yes. Every damn day.

The doorbell goes just as I get comfortable on the couch. I roll my eyes but lazily get up and make my way to the door. When I open it, I smile.

"Hey, bad bitch"

"Hey, Larry," I say, giving him a hug and letting him in.

"Where are those brothers of yours?" Larry asks, putting an arm around my shoulders and walking into the main area of the house (the kitchen).

"We're here," Ethan smiles, appearing with Kristina on his arm like always. "Gray's coming too. He's just changing"


"You throw like a whore!"

I laugh at Larry's language on the side of the football field.
Yes, the boys managed to drag me out of the house and to the football field to play. I refused and decided to sit out for a bit and just watch.

The afternoon consists of the boys tackling each other, Larry twerking and Kristina trying to make better friends with me.

Kristina and I are friends. She's a lovely girl, but sometimes she tries to hard to be liked by me. It can get annoying, but it's also cute in a way? I don't know.

Lauren, on the other hand, is like a gentle mother figure. She's my therapist, sister, friend and tutor in one. She's smart, sweet and packed with advice on all type of situations.


The day ends with Ethan bed ridden with a concussion. Larry got a little too rough and yeah.

"Go bring that to Ethan," Gray says, pointing to a tray laden with dinner on the kitchen counter.

I nod and take the tray to Ethan's room. I knock on the closed door and Kristina opens it. She takes the tray, thanks me and shuts the door.

"Ok then," I mutter, a little annoyed that she thinks I can't take care of my own brother.

Kristina is weirdly possessive over Ethan towards me. For example, when I brought him an ice bag, Kristina insisted on giving it to him and staying by his side. Now it's the tray. I wonder what else it will be.


Lauren, Grayson and I eat dinner whilst watching a horror movie. Grayson sits in the middle and lets Lauren and I both cuddle into his sides.
As the movie plays, I feel myself starting to fall asleep. Chucky stabs someone on screen and I smile. He's kinda cute. My favorite scary movie is Chucky. It's the only one that doesn't scare me.

I wake up at two am with a rush in my heart. A spark of a night terror.
I sigh. At least I'm not screaming the house down.

I suddenly realize I'm in my bed and I vaguely remember Gray carrying me up.
I rub my face and yawn. I'm tired.


The next morning, I wake up early and join Grayson and Lauren to the pumpkin patch.
I thought it'd be boring and I'd be third wheeling, but it turns out to be really fun.
Gray gets more pumpkins while Lauren and I sit with hot chocolates.

"God, the temperature is really starting to drop," Lauren says, wrapping her Burberry checkered coat around herself tightly. "You warm enough, sweetheart?"

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