Chapter 47

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Alyssa's POV

"Okay, well you take care and I'll make sure to call you later. Bye" Ethan says into his phone.

It was so unexpected. Uncle Tony seemed fine when we calld him last week. He never told us he had cancer but now here we are, sitting in a hospital waiting to say goodbye. My heart aches for one of his special hugs. My thoughts are going a hundred miles a second as our moments together go through my mind. I miss him. I miss him a lot.

I pull my knees up to my chest and nurse the lukewarm cup of coffee in my hands that grandma got me a half hour ago. I feel like closing my eyes and not waking up again until I can see uncle Tony again. Such an amazing person gone.

I cry into my hands softly and try to compose myself.

"Oh, honey" Ethan sighs, hugging me to his chest. "Shhhh"

I stop and just stay in his arms, my face feeling itchy from all the crying. My eyes latch onto Grayson who's in the hallway, calling relatives and asking them to the funeral on Tuesday. He looks tired and worn out.

I see him hang up and walk towards the door. A moment later, the door opens and he comes through. He beckons me over with his finger and grabs my coat off the chair next to him.

"C' mon. Let's go"

"Let's go? Go where?" I ask drowsily, half asleep in Ethan's arms.

"Home" he sighs. "You need to eat and get some sleep"

I sigh and shake my head no. "I'm not hungry or tired. I just wanna be here with uncle Tony"

"Alyssa" Gray sighs. "C' mon"

I take one look at his eyes and see them glazed over. His eye bags are heavy and I can tell he's feeling weak by the way he's holding my coat. I stand up and take it, Ethan kissing me goodbye.

"Go say goodbye to Toby and then meet me by the car"

Grayson walks away and I walk towards uncle Tony's bed. I bend down and press a kiss onto his hollow cheek. I squeeze his hand and wince when it's cold. He's dead.

"I-" my voice breaks as tears from my face land on his. "I love you"

I turn away and walk outside towards the car. Next time I'll see him will be at the funeral.



Grayson makes me sit down and eat a simple dinner of steamed veggies with some chicken breast. I eat half and excuse myself to bed.

Grayson pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head saying goodnight. He lets me go off to bed and surprisingly I actually fall asleep at eight.

Next Day

I stir my cereal around my bowl as the twins try to make small talk. I reckon I cried myself to sleep for a few hours. I think the twins did too.
As soon as breakfast is over, I slink upstairs and into my room. I don't feel like talking to anyone or being around anyone. I just feel empty and mad and there's a tight grip on my throat that won't let go. Uncle Tony always made sure that our little family of three was stable and comfortable no matter what. The way he taught the boys life skills when dad wasn't around. The way he called me princess and made me feel like the most special girl in the world even at this age seemed great to me.
I hug the pillow closer to my chest as a knock interrupts my thoughts.
I don't answer. I just stay mute and turn to face the wall.


My door creaks open and my eyes open immediately at the sound of her voice.


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