Chapter 102

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Alyssa's POV


It's been a week since the drinking incident and I haven't heard from Jordan on the account that I'm grounded and my phone got taken away. Grandma hasn't questioned my punishment but I can tell she's curious. The twins didn't tell her about me being drunk because Ethan said it would give her a "heart attack". 

I haven't realized how lonely life is without Jordan's voice, jokes and puns. Or my phone. I sigh. I hope I get it back soon. 


I look up from my laptop screen and frown as a pebble lands on my windowsill. That's odd. I shrug it off and return to writing my paper on the negative effects of alcohol. Ethan's punishment paper he assigned me. 


I look back at my window and sigh when another pebble hits my window. I place my laptop on the bed next to me and make my way towards the window. I open the window and gasp when I look down. 

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!" 

"Jordan?" I hiss. 

"Who else would the handsome young man below your window be?" he sighs, mocking being offended. "I know it's been a week, but damn girl, am I that forgetful?"

"What are you doing?" I sigh, shaking my head. "You're going to get killed! Literally, killed!"

"I thought you'd be happy," Jordan grins.

A smile overtakes my face and I nod. "I am! Jordan, I am, so happy, but you better go before you die!"

"I'm not scared of death," he claims, sitting on the grass right under my window. 

"So you're not scared of Ethan and Grayson?"

"Shit!" Jordan whispers. "They're home?"

"Bitch, I'm on house arrest! They're monitoring my every god damn move! I also have to write a paper on how alcohol is bad for you!"

"Damn, girl, and I thought my aunt was strict!" Jordan chuckles, running a hand through his braids. 

"Yeah, really!" I scoff, shaking my head. "How easily did you get off?"

"Oh, my aunt just threw a sandal at me and told me not to do it again," Jordan shrugs, chuckling. 

"Lucky," I mutter.

"That shit hurt like a mother fucker!" Jordan laughs, lifting his shirt to reveal a slight red mark on his back. "That woman has great aim"

I laugh and let my eyes drift away from his mark. Instead, my eyes find his lean body more interesting. 

Abs galore.

I shake my head and look him in the eyes again. I don't wanna come off as creepy. 

"Well, Imma go," Jordan says slowly, checking his surroundings. "I'll be back soon"

Jordan runs off and thankfully, no one seems to chase after him so I think he's in the clear. I groan and go back to my paper. I finish the conclusion and revise it before saving the document to show Ethan later. 

Knock knock

"Come in!" I say.

Grayson pokes his head in and smiles. "Hey, prisoner. Wanna go to the store with me?"

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