· Struggling Sexuality (part 2) ·

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Enjoy! xx


Alyssa's POV


"Why are you acting so strange?" Ethan asks, taking a bite of rice from his dinner plate. 

"I'm literally not," I reply with a shrug. 

"Are you sure?" Grayson asks, raising an eyebrow at me. "You've been on edge lately...has something happened?"

I shake my head no and take a long sip of water. It's been a week now that I've been hiding Alex in my room and I thought I was doing a good job of not being suspicious. Clearly, the twins can sense something is off and I mentally kick myself.

"Everything is fine," I say, shaking my head. "I'm fine, school's fine, I don't know what else you want from me"

The twins share a glance but don't propose any more questions. I sit back in my chair and look down at the floor. I know I can't keep Alex in my room forever, but I can't let her go home to her father. He was an awful man by the sounds of it, but Alex's mum falls for him every time he's back in town and Alex can't seem to take it well. Last time, Alex spent two weeks sleeping on a park bench and I'm not having my girlfriend go through that. 

To make sure the twins don't find out, I've offered to fold and put away my own laundry, I've been eating in my room while "studying" to share food with Alex, I've cleaned my room every day so there's no reason for Grayson to come in with his OCD ass and rearrange everything again, I've been careful not to make noise and lastly, I've been trying to act normal. Apparently, that's not going too well. 

The doorbell goes off and Grayson goes to answer it. When he's gone, Ethan walks into the kitchen for some salt and I quickly transition the food from my plate into a plastic bag. Some nights when the twins won't leave the table, I sneak down later when they're in bed and get Alex the leftover food. We have a good system going. 

I have no idea how long Alex and I plan to keep this going for, but I know I'm sure as hell not letting her go back to her abusive father. 

I stuff the bag in my pocket and take my plate into the kitchen. I put it in the dishwasher and sigh, feeling the familiar anxiety stomachache pop up when I have to lie to the twins. I know if I told them they'd probably help, but I don't want to run the risk of them sending her back home either. I want Alex to be safe.

"Hey, E," I say, playing with my fingers. "Imma go upstairs and have an early night. I have a headache"

Ethan frowns and puts an arm around my shoulders.

"Do you want some medicine?"

I shake my head. "Just an early night"

"Okay. Goodnight, hon"

"Goodnight, E. Love you," I reply, kissing his cheek before walking upstairs. 

I walk slowly up the stairs until I reach the landing. From there, I jog to my room and check the hallway to make sure it's clear. When the coast is clear, I push my bedroom door open and sigh when I see Alex on my bedroom carpet, laughing as she scrolls through TikTok. 

"Alex, you do realize there are people in the rooms next door," I say, placing the bag of food next to her. "You have to be quiet or they'll find out"

I sit down next to her and sigh, leaning against my bedpost. I rest my chin on my knees feeling fed up with having to lie every night. 

"Ooo chicken!" Alex chuckles, giving me a wink. "Would you like to join me for a romantic dinner?"

I sigh. "I already ate, thanks"

Alex sighs and pushes the food away, moving closer to me. She smiles and rests her cheek on my hand that's on the floor. 

"Sorry for being annoying," she whispers with a smile. 

I roll my eyes and smile too. 

"It's okay. I just don't like lying to my brothers"

"You're not lying," Alex shrugs, taking a bite of chicken. "You're just not mentioning something. See? Technically, you're not lying"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I ask with a sigh. 

"Eh, maybe," Alex says, licking her fingers. "By the way, when I meet Grayson properly, I have to ask him for his seasoning recipe because this chicken is fucking awesome"

I stay quiet and Alex gives me a look, raising an eyebrow.

"When exactly do you plan on telling the twins you're gayer than RuPaul's duct tape?"

I burst out laughing but quiet down and shake my head. I shrug when I realize Alex is awaiting an answer.

"Alex, I don't know. It's hard for me"

"They're going to accept you!" Alex chuckles, shaking my shoulders. "Just tell them, trust me"

I roll my eyes and sigh. There's a lot of good qualities surrounding Alex, but her pushiness is not one of them"

"Okay, I'm going to need you to stop forcing me out of the closet," I say, shaking my head. "I'll do it when I'm ready"

Alex scoffs, making me nudge her gently. 

"There's no right time, trust me. You just have to do it and get it over with. If they accept it? great! all power to you, and if they don't, then fuck em"

"You say trust me a lot for someone who possibly gives out the worst advice, you know that right?" I laugh softly. "Plus, the closet is pretty nice right now. I'm not sure I want to leave yet"

Alex sighs but gives a nod. I know she means well, but it doesn't feel good being forced out of the closet into the open, cruel, homophobic world. 

I stand from the floor and walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Alex follows and we sing the alphabet together, spitting the toothpaste out at the same time. 

"Wow, relationship goals," Alex mimics a high pitched voice and smiles, kissing my cheek with a frothy mouth. 

"Gross!" I frown, pushing her off of me. "Get that shit off your face and then maybe I'll kiss you back"

"You're mean!" Alex pouts. 

"You're nasty," I retaliate, screwing the lid pack onto my tube of toothpaste. 

Alex and I walk to my bed. She gets in first and then I join her, making sure to put pillows down the middle of the bed to disguise her in case someone was to come into my room at midnight.

"Goodnight," I yawn, turning my lamp off. 

"Goodnight," Alex replies, slipping her arm under the pillow wall. 

Her hand finds mine and I give it a gentle squeeze before shutting my eyes. 


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