• Sexual Harassment Is Not Okay •

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Alyssa's POV

Ever since our date on Saturday, Noah and I have been texting and FaceTiming every day. It's Friday today and tomorrow, Noah and I have plans to hang out. We've decided that Saturday's are a good day for dates.
Noah also has a car and his license so we can go anywhere we want.

I step out of the shower and towel myself dry. I get dressed in pj shorts and a sports bra and wrap a towel around my hair.
My phone pings and I smile when Noah's contact comes up with a bear and a brown heart emoji.

Noah🐻🤎- Hey, gorgeous. Which do you like best...the beach or the park?

Me- The beach. Why?

I smile as I see the typing... thing appear. I pocket my phone and jog downstairs where I hear the twins in the kitchen.
Ethan and I have been okay recently but I still feel weird about him and Emma breaking up.

"Hey," I say, announcing my arrival.

"Hey," the boys reply.

I sit at the kitchen counter bar area and watch them layer a lasagne. Ethan's only trusted with laying the sheets of pasta down and Grayson takes care of the sauce.
I take my phone out of my pocket and smile immediately when I see Noah's response.

Noah🐻🤎- It's a surprise...

"Alyssa, you're making me feel sick"

I glare at Ethan and he chuckles, nodding at my phone.

"You get that stupid smile on your face when you talk to that boy. It's weird"

"That boy," I roll my eyes. "Has a name. It's Noah, and besides, what do you care? It's my relationship"

Ethan chuckles and shakes his head. "Yuck"

"It's not disgusting!" I protest, feeling a smile tug at my lips. Brothers are annoying.

Grayson raises an eyebrow. "Y'all have only been going out for five days. Relax a little and let it go slow"

I roll my eyes. Grayson always finds a way to lecture me or make a life lesson out of everything.

"In fact he has a surprise for me tomorrow," I say smugly. "He's picking me up at seven and I think we're going to the beach. Oh, I love date night!"

The boys stop layering the lasagne and look at each other. Ethan frowns and turns back to me.

"You didn't tell us you were going out tomorrow night"

"Yeah I did. I told Gray"

Grayson shakes his head and sighs, shutting his eyes.

"Yeah, she did bro. I'm sorry I forgot you were going out, honey"

"That's fine," i smile. "You were almost asleep when I told you"

I found the best time to ask Grayson to go out is before bed. He's so tired that he doesn't care. He says yes just to get rid of me.

"Alyssa, you'll have to cancel"

"What? Wait, why?" I ask, suddenly annoyed. Trust Ethan to come ruin my night.

"Kristina is coming over for dinner tomorrow night. It's a chance for you and Gray to meet her finally"

Great. I have to cancel and meet the relationship wrecker? I've never met this bitch and I'm not keen on changing plans to meet someone who's not in my good books.

"I can't cancel," I sigh. "Noah's put so much thought into the surprise. You didn't even tell me this woman was coming!"

"Alyssa, don't disrespect her like that. You will cancel and you will meet Kristina. End of discussion"

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