· If You Love Them. Fight For Them ·

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Alyssa's POV

The next morning I lie in bed for ages. My mind replays Noah's message, over and over again.
I still can't quite wrap my head around it. I know I wasn't as available as I wanted to, but it was out of my control. I was starting to catch feelings, quick. I swear this is what love feels like. It doesn't matter anymore though. He's gone. He's with someone else now and he deserves to be happy.

I roll over and wince as my eyes latch onto my bruised hand. It hurts bad and I nurse it to my chest, wanting to punch the wall again.

Knock knock

I sit up in bed and lift my sheets to cover my bra.

"Come in," I say.

My door opens and I'm surprised to see Kristina. She smiles at me and stays at the door.

"Hey, honey. The boys are going out to a meeting today. They'll be back around two but it's you and i today"

"Okay," I reply. "When are they leaving?"

"In an hour," Kris smiles.

I nod and she leaves. I get out of bed, change into something comfortable and walk downstairs.

The boys are making breakfast and Kristina's sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"Good morning," I say, lifting myself up into one of the kitchen stools.

"Morning, Aly," Ethan smiles, kissing the top of my head before walking over to join Kristina.

"How'd you sleep?" Gray asks softly, putting a plate of French toast in front of me.

I push the plate back and shrug.

"I slept fine"

"Alyssa, you didn't eat last night so please eat something now" Gray sighs, pushing the plate back towards me.

"But I'm not hungry"

"I don't care"

I roll my eyes but can't help smiling. Grayson smiles back and hands me a fork.

"Thanks," I reply quietly.

Gray ruffles my hair and turns back to the stove. I look down at the plate of maple syrupy toast and start to eat. I don't realize how hungry I am and down the whole thing.

"Not hungry, huh?" Grayson teases.

"Shut up," I laugh.

Grayson takes my plate and checks his watch.

"I need to go to the meeting now, but we'll be back later and we can hang out"

Grayson's POV
After the meeting

I make my way towards the bread aisle and grab two packs. On my way to the checkout, I see a familiar face.


"Hey, Grayson"

He looks a little uneasy to see me. I don't know why though.

"How's it going, buddy?" I smile. He's a good boy and I'm glad he and Alyssa are going well.

"Everything's okay," he replies. "How's Alyssa?"

"She's okay," I say, feeling a little confused. Surely he'd know?

We stand there for an awkward moment before I decide to break the silence.

"Do you guys have anything planned?"

Noah shakes his head. "No"

"Okay," I chuckle, shrugging off his weird attitude. "See ya later"

I walk towards checkout, pay and go back to the car.
Alyssa's asleep when I get in and I sigh. She never sleeps well anymore. It's hard to see.

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