Chapter 56

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Alyssa's POV

"My soul wants to die" I groan, checking the clock on my bedside table. "Why this hour?"

Grayson stands above me, arms crossed and fully dressed. He chuckles and shakes my shoulder again. 

"God, you're so hard to wake up" 

"Go annoy Ethan"

"I will dress you myself if I need to, A. You're not getting out of this. Plus, some labour will do you good"

"Ughhhh" I mumble, digging deeper into my pillow.

"Think of the fresh air! The animals!" Grayson says, an annoying smile plastered on his face. 

"But it'll be cold" I whine. "And dark!"

"Not that dark. Cold, yes, but you'll be wearing a sweater"

"Grayson, it's five am!"

"Can y'all shut up?" Ethan groans from across the room, asleep on the room couch."I'm trying to get my beauty sleep"

"Ha," I scoff. "You what? Yeah, right!"

Gray sighs and rips the covers off me. "You give me no choice"

He picks me up effortlessly and I cling to him, my vision blurred and dizzy from just waking up. 

"Put me down!" I say, starting to feel a weird pain in my stomach. 

Grayson laughs and sets me down. "Alright, but you need to get dressed in the next five minutes or I'm bringing reinforcements" he points towards a glass of cold-looking water on his nightstand. 

"Consider me up and dressed" I grumble, stomping over to my closet. 

"Please shut up!" Ethan groans. 

"Hey!" I turn around and cross my arms, narrowing my eyes at Gray. "If he's not getting up and dressed then I'm not" 

Grayson flicks Ethan's ear and he groans, almost hitting Gray in the face. 

"Bro," Gray says. "C' mon. We need to teach Alyssa some valuable life lessons. Like, I on't know, maybe getting up on time?"

"You call this on time?" I say, laughing a little. "It's five freaking am, Gray"

"Touche" Ethan groans, lazily lifting a finger to accentuate my point.

Gray takes a deep breath and puts on his "Mr Authority" voice. That's what I call it anyway. 

"Alyssa, get dressed right now and stop arguing with me. Ethan get your lazy ass up and start behaving your age. I will be downstairs making breakfast and when you two are done I expect you to join me"

"Aight, cool," I say, sitting down on my side of the bed, yawning. "Have a great time"

I shut my eyes and curl up, sleep luring me in. Suddenly, I feel a freezing sensation hit my face and I gasp, sitting up immediately. Gray stands there, empty water glass in hand, his eyes serious.

"I mean it"

"Ugh, Gray! Fine!"

I lift myself from the bed and walk over to my closet once more to scrounge up a warm comfortable outfit for this morning's labour. 


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