Chapter 4

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Hayden Banks ⬆️

Turns out the boy from The Teacup is called Hayden and he's my boyfriend now. We've been talking on snapchat for about a month now and I think I'm starting to like him. Like, REALLY like him. I sigh happily and hug my iPhone to my chest while I look at my ceiling. I can't get him off my mind.
"Alyssa, dinner!" Grayson calls, his voice booming through the hallway.
I sigh again when my phone vibrates against my chest, indicating that there's another message from Hayden. I unlock my phone and tap out a quick reply before putting it on silent and walking into the kitchen.
"Oh good you're alive," Ethan says, smirking.
I roll my eyes, "Of course I'm alive" and lift myself onto a kitchen stool. I rest my elbows on the bar top and drop my head into my hands, watching Grayson cook.
"You've been in your room since you got back from school," he says, grabbing a cup from the cupboard and filling it with water from the fridge.
I sigh and rub my face. I'm tired from staying up till four am last night talking to Hayden. School today killed me and I came close to falling asleep in class. You'd think I'd be smart and take a nap when I got home from school but I went straight back to texting Hayden.
"Homework and stuff kept me busy" I reply, following with a yawn.
That's a fucking lie. I pushed my homework aside even though I have a history project due on Friday.
"That's our girl" Ethan smiles, ruffling my hair.
I smile but swallow hard. I can't help but feel a little guilty.

2 am

I wait until the boys are asleep before whipping out my phone and clicking onto snapchat. Sure enough, Hayden's online. His cute bitmoji appears on our chat and he starts typing.

Hey beautiful 😝

I feel myself blushing. He's so kind and well.... I'm attracted to that shit. I smile as my fingers dart around the keyboard.

Hey 🤪

I can just imagine him lying on his top bunk, swinging his legs over the footboard on his bed and his little brother snoring softly beneath him.

How're you doing? I miss you 😊

I giggle quietly and type out a quick response.

I'm alright, how are you?

I can't sleep :( my brother keeps kicking the bed in his sleep. I'll probably collapse and die🤦🏼‍♂️

I roll my eyes and pull my sheets closer to my body.

Don't be so dramatic! On the other hand, don't die because I wanna see you again!

Oh really? You're not the only girl who's said that to me 😏

I scoff and waste no time in replying

Oh get over yourself!

Don't be mad, gorgeous. I've only got eyes for you 😏🤩

I smile and shake my head. This is going to be a long night.


"Alyssa, wake up"
I groan and roll over on what feels like a cloud. It's just a pillow. I crack open an eye and see Grayson shaking my shoulder, trying to wake me up.
"Leave me alone!" I mumble, trying to get back into my dream.
"I could but then you'd be late for school" he sighs. "What's with you? You're normally up at seven"
I close my eyes again and Grayson wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me off the bed. He places me down on the floor and gives me a firm look.
"Get dressed. Now"
"Sir, yes sir" I mutter sarcastically.
He hits the back of my head lightly. "Don't be mouthy"
I grab some clothes and walk into my bathroom as he leaves. I put my folded clothes on top of the toilet seat and peel off my pajamas. I turn on the water and shiver as my foot gets hit with icy water. The water soon turns warm and I enter, sliding the door shut behind me.

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