· School Sux ·

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Alyssa's POV


I finish the last sentence of my essay and shut my laptop, rubbing my eyes. I'm pretty tired, but happy. I get to see Noah today.

I plug my laptop in to charge and grab my purse. Before leaving my room, I touch up my lipstick and make sure my eyelashes are on properly. I jog downstairs and into the living room where Grayson's sat on the couch on his laptop.

"Gray, I'm going to Noah's house now"

"Did you finish your homework?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

I nod and smile a little. I did kinda leave it to last minute.

"Ah, my little procrastinator," Gray chuckles, shaking his head and beckoning me over. "Be back by five. Have fun, honey"

He kisses my cheek and goes back to his emails.


I'm stirring my cup of coffee around when someone's hands close around my eyes. I smile, immediately knowing who it is.

"Guess who"

"Noah, get your sweaty ass hands off my face before you melt all my makeup off"

Noah removes his hands and grins at me. I roll my eyes and he dips down to give me a kiss before sitting on the chair opposite from me.

"You're harsh today, babe"

I raise an eyebrow and he shuts up.

"So what's up, babe? You excited for school tomorrow?"

I sip my coffee and roll my eyes. School. Couldn't think of anything worse.

"So excited," I reply flatly. "High school sucks"

"It's not all that bad," Noah points out. "The playing fields have a pretty view and...oh wait! There's me"

"You cocky little shit," I chuckle, shaking my head. He thinks he's the best thing on this planet.


After coffee, Noah takes my hand in his and we go for a walk in the town. We decide to say hello to Noah's grandmother who works in the bakery down the street from my house and Noah's mom since she also works there.

"Come meet my mom," Noah says, opening the door to the bakery for me. "She'll love you. I promise"

We walk in and I don't even get a chance to breathe. Noah's mom walks over to us and squeals, grabbing me into a huge hug.

"Oh!" I exclaim, being forced to put my arms around her and smile.

"You must be the girl Noah's always talking about!"

She pulls away and holds me by the shoulders, looking me up and down.

"My goodness, you're prettier in person than the photos Noah showed me"

"Thank you," I chuckle, feeling a blush creep into my cheeks.

I smirk at Noah and laugh when he looks a little embarrassed.

"Come in and sit down," Noah's mom smiles, leading us over to an empty booth with window seats. "You'll have to try out our new chocolate milkshake"

Noah's mom walks back into the kitchen and I turn to face Noah. He's still glowing red with embarrassment.

"So you talk about me and show pictures of me?"

Noah shrugs. "You're worth showing off"

"Aww," I giggle, shying away childishly. "Someone has a crush on me"

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