Chapter 63

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Alyssa's POV- 2 days later

I quietly sit up in bed and rub my eyes. The sound of soft rain pattering on the roof makes me wanna go back to sleep but the thought of doing so makes me feel unsatisfied somehow.
I slide out of bed and pad across the room to the closet in my socks. You know, I used to hate sleeping with socks on but now I can't imagine life without it. I quietly get dressed and make my way downstairs, hair  unbrushed and no makeup on my face.

"Morning, honey" grandma greets.

"Morning" I yawn. "Is there any coffee left?"

I eye the coffee pot and with blurry morning eyes can't make out if it's full or not. Grandma chuckles.

"Your grandpa John had about five cups but I made a fresh pot right now"

"Grandma, you're an angel"

She laughs and pours me a cup of coffee. I thank her and pick up the mug, blowing gently at the steam.

"The boys up? Emma?"

I shake my head no. "The boys were dead asleep when I left"

"Well no one else is awake either," grandma scoffs. "Everyone's going to be so hungover from last night"

I shrug and take another sip of coffee.

"Have you ever had a hangover?"

I almost choke on my coffee. I look up at grandma. She smiles and winks.

"I won't tell"

I shake my head no and chuckle. "I haven't"

"Oh well," she sighs. "Wait till your sixteen, seventeen, then you can tell me"

I shake my head and take another sip of the dark liquid that I like so much.

"Morning grandma!"

The coffee on my tongue suddenly takes a sharp bitter turn as the devil herself enters the kitchen.

"Coffee?" Grandma offers.

"Oh, no thank you. I'll have water"

Angela fills a glass and takes a sip of it. She eyes me coolly and narrows her eyes slight, her lips curling into a smirk. Her long black hair is perfectly tousled in natural curls and it glints under the kitchen lights whereas I look like I've been held down and licked by cows for a week.
I hate her.

"My lovelies, would you please come with me to the grocery store?" Grandma asks. "We're planning a barbecue for tonight"

"Sure thing grandma. Let me just go get my phone"

Angela disappears in a vampire like manner. Floating on air somehow.
I suddenly realize that I left my phone upstairs also.

"I'll be back in a minute" I say.

Grandma nods and unties her apron while I jog upstairs. I enter the guest room quietly and grab my phone off the charger. Yep, the boys are still out cold. Even Grayson who loves getting up before chickens. Ethan's sprawled out on the second bed with Emma in his arms. Her head rests on his chest and they're both smiling softly. Ugh, I hate that Ethan has such luck with love.
I tiptoe back to the door and shut it behind me. I walk downstairs and meet up with Angela and grandma by the front door.

After grocery shopping

Angela disappears upstairs the minute we get home and I roll my eyes. She was grumpy the whole time.

"Where does the rice go?" I ask grandma, rattling the box of rice in my hand:

"Left side of the cupboard"

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