• The Hookup •

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Alyssa's POV 


The clock on the wall at E and Gray's lawyer's office ticks slowly, counting the long minutes that pass by. I block out the whole conversation between the adults and look down at the dark red carpet instead. 

I don't want to be apart of this at all. It's long, boring, hurtful and pointless. Dad was never rich and he never had anything of importance, so I think the twin's lawyer reading out his will is pointless. 

I let my fingers play with the hem of my skirt as I roll my eyes. 

"Can we go home?" I ask aloud.

Ethan and Grayson look at me along with their lawyer, Mark. They look a mixture of tired and annoyed and I sigh, looking back down at the carpet. I'm not going to lie. Ever since the news of dad's death, I've been making every day difficult for the twins. I don't mean to, but something about the death has irked me and I've had to become bitchy and closed off. 

"Sorry about that, Mark," Grayson exhales wearily. "She's just tired"

Grayson gently nudges me, his way of telling me to cut it out. I just roll my eyes again and look away. 

The twins had to drag me here this morning, kicking and screaming. I reckon I swore at them collectively about ten times. Normally, I'd be punished for it, but under the circumstances, I think the twins are letting it go. It's annoying because I'd rather be in my room grounded right now rather than sat in this uncomfortable leather chair. 


"Did you really have to be that rude?" Ethan sighs, unlocking the car when we arrive at the parking lot. 

"I didn't do anything," I mutter.

"You've been weird all week," Grayson points out, getting in the driver's seat. 

I roll my eyes and get in the backseat. 

"Dad just died," I reply coldly, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms. "Am I not allowed to be upset?"

The twins go silent and share a glance between them before shutting up. I smile and shake my head. That's what I thought.


The minute we get home, I start to go upstairs but Grayson stops me.

"What?" I sigh, turning around to face him.

"Come eat something," he says softly, nodding towards the kitchen. "You must be hungry. You haven't eaten all day-"

"I'm fine," I growl. "Just leave me alone. You already forced me to come to the stupid Will reading. I don't need you to force-feed me too"

I walk the rest of the way upstairs and to my room. I slam the door and flop onto my bed knowing the twins won't yell at me for it. 

I turn over in bed and sigh, forcing my eyes to shut. I haven't been sleeping well lately. It's weird, but I feel guilty and somewhat responsible for dad's death. I know he wanted me to come visit him in prison, but the twins said it wouldn't be a good idea as I was already hurt and having bad nightmares. 

I turn over in bed again.

The guilt I feel within makes me angry and anxious towards both myself and the twins for not letting me see him. I know I would've been too scared to go anyway, but it's kinda my thing to place the hurt on someone else when I don't want to feel something. 

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