Chapter 61

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Alyssa's POV

I look around the mall, expecting to see the same boy I saw sitting at the piano the other day. I'm nervous but excited.
I remember feeling so happy when he DM'd me. I get to see his cute face again.
I check my phone and sigh. 4:56 pm. We're meeting at 5 and I'll admit, I'm keen to see him again.
I bend down and tie my shoelaces tightly and for an extended amount of time so people who pass by don't think of me being a weirdo just standing around with nothing to do. I stand up and check my phone and sigh again. 5:05 pm.
I look around the mall and can't help but feel a little disappointed. He's late. Did he forget?
I look to my left and spot a starbucks. I make my way towards the coffee shop doors and pick a seat next to the window.
I adjust my skirt and sweater, suddenly self conscious of my outfit. Emma helped me pick out my clothes today and I thought it looked good before. I check my phone again and tap my foot against the table leg.
5:13 pm
Where is this dude?
My phone bleeps and I immediately check it. I sigh when I realize it's from Grayson.

Have fun, sweetie! Be back by 7!

I turn my phone off and sigh again. This is so embarrassing. Did Nate really stand me up?
My phone bleeps again and when I check it I see it's Nate.

Srry. Can't make it today. Another time? X

Is he serious? Is he fucking serious? No, not another time!
I shut my phone off, grab my bag and storm out of the mall.


I storm in the front door and don't bother going into the living room to see the twins and Emma. I don't want them to see me like this because I know they'll want to talk and find out what happened. I can't deal with that right now.

"Alyssa? Is that you?"

"Yeah" I call.

"Come here"

I mentally facepalm and sigh but walk into the living room. The boys and Emma are on laptops, no doubt editing.
Ethan looks up.

"You're early. How was it?"

I look down and sigh. Tears fill my eyes and I don't know what to do or say. Fuck, why am I so emotional?

"It was good" I say, my voice wavering.

"You sure?"

"Yes!" I yell. "God. Just leave me alone!"

I run to my room and slam the door. Emma must think I'm crazy. I think I'm crazy for yelling at the twins and slamming my door. I'm grounded for sure.
I groan and fall onto my bed. I'm tired of having the worst luck with guys! Or am I just bad? I don't know but I do know I'm done.
I shut my eyes and just relax. My heart feels mangled and I hate myself for driving Nate away. Am I that ugly that he doesn't want to meet up with me?

Emma's POV

"Well that was ...unexpected" Ethan sighs.

"Yeah" Grayson also sighs. "I should go check on her"

I clear my throat and stand up. "Maybe I should talk to her girl to girl? I think I know what happened"

The boys share a glance before nodding. I walk upstairs and knock on Alyssa's bedroom door. She doesn't answer and I sigh, pushing the door open.


"Emma" she sighs. "I'm sorry you had to see that"

I smile and shake my head. "It's fine"

I walk over to her bed and take a seat next to her. Alyssa sits up and immediately hugs me. I hug her back and when I pull away she starts crying. She laughs too and shrugs, tears rolling down her cheek. 

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