Chapter 100!

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A week later...


Alyssa's POV


Jordan Miller. 

The name suddenly comes to me at breakfast and I stop eating. I meant to go see him when I got out of the hospital but never did. 

I smile as memories of him and I flood my mind. He and I were childhood friends ever since we were babies and I lived with grandma here on the farm. Hell, we even went to the same school. 


I shake my head and look at grandma across the table. She and Emma look at me, laughing a little. 

"You okay?" Emma asks.

"Yeah," I say. "I'm fine"

"You were in the middle of a sentence and you stopped"

"You're smiling a lot this morning," Emma says, narrowing her eyes. "Is it a boy?"

Grandma looks excited as she and Emma look at each other, winking. I groan. 

"Who is it?" Emma asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Stop!" I sigh, taking my plate to the sink. "It's no one"

"Honey, don't worry. Your brothers are at work. You can tell us!"

I laugh at Grandma and give her a small hug. She came home last week and it's nice to have her back. 

"It's a boy but he's just an old friend. I was thinking of going next door and saying hi after all these years"

Grandma looks up at me. "That sounds nice. Who? I might know them"

"Jordan Miller?" I say, sitting down next to grandma's wheelchair. She needs one after the stroke but only for a short amount of time until her body feels like it can walk again. 

Grandma's face lights up. "Yes! You two were such good friends"

"He also saved me that night when I ran away," I say shyly. I don't like talking about that night. 

Grandma pats my hand and shakes her head. "Yes, but we don't need to talk about it"

She doesn't like talking about it either. 

"So, tell us more," Emma says, lightening the mood. "Is he cute? Tall? Your type?"

"I don't have a type," I chuckle. 

"Yes, you do!" Emma laughs. "Bad boys are definitely your type!"

I laugh and shrug. "I don't know. I haven't spoken to him in a number of years. I know he lives next door, though"

"Are you going to go see him?" grandma asks, wheeling herself over to the kitchen couch. 

"I want to, but I have to ask the twins first," I reply, gathering my hair into a low messy bun. 

"Pshhh, they'll have their phones off. Today I'm your legal guardian and I'm saying you can go!"

I smile and hug grandma tightly. "Thanks, gram"

"You go ahead, dear. Emma and I will cope with the farm today"

"I'll go in a bit," I say, checking my phone. "It's eight and I don't think he'd be awake now"


After doing my makeup and getting dressed I jog downstairs and yell a quick goodbye before walking out of the house. Jordan's is only next door and I find that my palms are sweaty as I ring his doorbell. I guess it's normal to be nervous. I haven't seen this boy in about five to six years.

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