Chapter 3

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Dinner5 pmGrayson's POV

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5 pm
Grayson's POV

"Honey, please, set the table?" I ask, nodding at Alyssa.
She gets up from the couch and walks into the kitchen where I hand her five placemats.
"Yeah" she says, yawning.
I chuckle when her cute little nose scrunches up with confusion.
"Aren't we only three?"
Ethan shakes his head. "Emma's coming over"
Ethan and I look at each other. "And mom"

Alyssa's POV

My heart skips a beat and my mouth goes dry. Mom? Oh sorry, you mean the woman who chose drugs and alcohol over her own kids? Forced Ethan and Grayson to be parents overnight? I had to say goodbye to my fun, careless brothers and say hello to my new parental figures. The boys eye me carefully as I continue setting the table, my fingers tremble, almost making me drop a plate.
"Alyssa?" Ethan says.
I shake my head and set the last plate down. The corners of my eyes sting with unshed tears and I jump when a pair of hands are placed on my shoulders.
"Hey- calm down. Wanna go lay down for a little bit? Take a nap?"
I nod and Gray pats my shoulder. I make my way out of the kitchen, feeling the boys eyes bore into my back. I stop halfway down the hall when I hear them talking about mom.
"You think she's okay?" Grayson asks.
I hear Ethan scoff and I can just imagine him shrugging. "Look, mom said she was better. Rehab said she was better. Let's just see how tonight plays out. Who knows? Maybe it'll all work out"
Grayson sighs. "You didn't answer my question. Do you think Alyssa is okay?"
Ethan sighs. "I don't know. She never talks to us and I just figured it would be best if we didn't push it"
"I don't know" Grayson sighs. "I worry about her, you know? She's so closed off from us and you know how she likes to hide her emotions"
"She's a strong girl, Gray. She'll come to us if she wants too"
I hear footsteps approach the door and I run upstairs.

"Hey" someone whispers, shaking my shoulder gently.
I open my eyes and sit up, my body feeling refreshed. Did I actually fall asleep?
"Hey baby, mom and Emma will be here in an hour"
Right. Mom. How could I forget? I huffily get out of bed and make my way over to my closet to pick out an outfit. Grayson sighs.
"I don't want you to feel weird tonight"
I raise an eyebrow. "Too late"
He rubs his forehead and looks at me. "I get it. I really do, sweetheart"
"Then why are you doing this?" I say, close to tears. "You know what she did to us!"
He sighs again and beckons me over. I walk over and he pulls me onto his knee.
"Listen" he strokes my cheek with his knuckles. "Stop those tears. It's just one night. If it doesn't work out then we don't have to talk to her again. Deal?"
"Deal" I nod.

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