Chapter 44

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Alyssa's POV

"Ready? three, two, one, go!"

I click the start button on the camera and fix the focus as the boys start to yell the intro as usual. I roll my eyes and walk away, leaving them to their video.

I walk into the kitchen and pour myself some cereal, sitting down at the kitchen counter with my phone. I click onto instagram and allow myself to relax and soak in the weekend. I finished all my homework and told myself to go out for a run later. This Damon thing has been weighing on me since yesterday and I honestly don't know why he's acting so sus. I don't think I did anything, but then again with Damon, he's unpredictable. His moods are like tornados, ripping through your mood and leaving damage wherever he goes. Not fun.

I sigh and shut my phone off. The house is quiet and a new sense of peace fills me up. I decide to embrace it and jog upstairs to put on my sneakers. A run will clear my head. I know it will. It should, anyway.

I jog back downstairs, text the twins as not to disturb their filming and go outside. I shut the door behind me and put my headphones on, starting a slow jog down the street. My heart skips a beat when I see Alexis and the smaller kids planting flowers and playing in the sprinklers. No Damon. I let out a relieved breath and turn the volume up on my phone. 

As I jog past Alexis's house, I wave and she waves back, smiling. Darcy also waves at me and I slow down, taking my headphones off.

"Goodmorning" Alexis smiles, pulling me into a hug.

"Goodmorning" I say, hugging her back.

I kneel down and hug Darcy, her wild dark curls tickling my cheek as I lift her up.

"You look pretty today"

Darcy giggles and looks at me with her shiny gray eyes. She's the cutest three year old I've ever seen.

Alexis takes off her gardening gloves and smiles at me.

"Damon's inside if you wanna go see him"

"That's okay" I say. "I have to be home soon anyway. Not a second late!"

Alexis nods and chuckles. "Parents right? Sticklers!"

I laugh and shrug. "Yeah, but we'd be lost without you guys so...thanks I guess?"

It's her turn to laugh as she pats me on the shoulder. "Well you hurry home now. I don't want you getting into trouble"

"Same" I say.

I kiss Darcy's cheek and make a vague promise to playwith her sometime this week. Once I make up with Damon.

"Bye, sweetie" Alexis says, hugging me again. "Always nice to see you"

"You too" I smile, waving. "Take care"

I start jogging back home, my happiness levels full to the brim. I think the boys also notice, because when I get home they're also smiling.

"Nice run?"

I nod and take the headphones off from around my neck. My phone starts ringing and I sigh when I see who it is.


"I'll be back" I say, looking at the twins.

They nod and I jog upstairs, answering the call. I shut my bedroom door behind me and shake my hair from it's ponytail, sitting on my bed.

"Hey, Damey" I say, hoping to lighten his mood with a pet name.

"Hey" he sighs.

I look down at the floor and stroke my ankle as I contemplate my next answer. I don't wanna make him mad but I also don't wanna make him think he can go off on me like that all the time.

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