· Leaving New Jersey ·

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Alyssa's POV

I wake in a grey room. My eyes are cloudy and I want to rub them. As I lift my hands, they are soon restrained. I look down. Metal, rusty cuffs hold me down on a table and my throat goes dry.
I can't speak or make a sound.

I suddenly can't breathe. The feeling of fingers wrapping around my neck is too real and I start to wonder where I am.


I try to kick or scream but both seem impossible as I try.


My eyes feel forced closed and when I do manage to open them, I wish I hadn't.
My eyes rest upon someone tall and I feel my heart melt in fear as I lock eyes with dad.
His eyes darken and his hands hold down on my throat. Tighter and tighter and tighter, until I feel faint and struggle to kick him off.


Grayson's POV



I take my headphones off and frown. I'm pretty sure I just heard Alyssa.


Fuck. I'm on my feet and in Alyssa's room in seconds. Ethan's hot on my heels and turns on the lights.

"Alyssa, wake up, you're having a bad dream!" I sigh, shaking her shoulder.

Alyssa sits up and looks at me and Ethan. Her hazel eyes widen in fear as my hand makes contact with her shoulder.

"Don't," she whispers.

I take my hand away and share a worried glance with Ethan. Alyssa's nightmares have never left her so frazzled. She's shaking and her face goes pale as Ethan tries to comfort her.

"I'm going to be sick," Alyssa manages to get out.

I grab the trash can in the corner of her room and hand it to her. Aly's small hands get it from me and as she sticks her face in the can, I look away.

Once she's done, Ethan wets a cloth and dabs at Alyssa's face with it. I get her another shirt and a glass of water from the tap.

"I'm sorry"

I stop fixing her pillows and shake my head, cupping my large hands around Alyssa's sweet face. A tear makes contact with my palm, but I ignore the warm line it leaves as it traces down my wrist, and up the side of my thumb.

"Alyssa, don't be sorry, honey. It's okay. We've got you, yeah? You're safe and sound and you're home"

"Yeah," Ethan says, stroking her hair back off her face. "We're not going to let anyone or anything hurt you. You're okay"

Alyssa looks between Ethan and I, nods and clutches onto Ethan's shirt.
I can tell she wants to cry because the moonlit sky outside the window illuminates Alyssa's watery eyes, and she sniffs.

"There you go, breathe. Just keep breathing. You're okay"

Ethan coaches her through breathing while I just lean against the wall and study Alyssa's body language.
She's still a little tense but isn't as scared as she was ten minutes ago. She cries softly into Ethan's shirt, him just rubbing her back in hopes to get her to stop. We both hate when she cries. It breaks my heart to see her so scared of us, her brothers.


It's fifteen minutes later when Ethan, Alyssa and I cram into my bed. Luckily, Alyssa's tiny and I have a king sized bed that has room for Ethan and I's newly hench bodies.

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