• Arguments •

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Alyssa's POV
4 pm

"I'm going to fall!"

"No you're not!"

"I will!"

"Jesus Christ, have you never been on a skateboard before?" Noah asks, rolling his eyes and pushing his hand into my back as I'm standing on his skateboard. "You'll be fine"

"Don't let go!" I screech, feeling less pressure on my back than before. "Noah, I will break up with you"

Noah just laughs and shakes his head.

"You won't," he replies. "You need me too much"

"Cocky bastard," I mutter under my breath.

"What did you say?" Noah challenges, raising an eyebrow. "It would be an awful shame if I happened to let go..."

"No!" I yelp.

"I'm fucking with you!" Noah laughs.

We continue down the road and I decide I'm ready to go without Noah's help.

"You sure?" He asks. "You won't scream and carry on like a lunatic?"

I nod and promise. He lets me go.

"Noah, I don't like it"

"Cmon, you can do it"




I jump up off the board and into Noah's arms. He laughs as he holds me and raises an eyebrow, clearly amused.

"Shut up," I mumble.

"That was funny"

"It was not!" I protest. "I could've died!"

"You're dramatic," Noah sighs, rolling his eyes.


I decide to try the skateboard again and end up skinning my leg.
Noah laughs the whole way home, carrying me and his skateboard.


After applying some cream and a bandaid to my injury, Noah and I decide to do our homework together in the living room.

The twins get home an hour later, each with their girlfriends.

"Hey, how was school?" Gray asks Noah and I.

Ethan and Kristina walk down the hall to their rooms and I sigh. These days it's hard to maintain a conversation with Ethan. He always wants to be with Kristina.

"And what's that big bandage on your leg for?" Gray frowns.

"It was good," Noah nods. "Alyssa skinned her leg trying to skateboard earlier. She's really loud and dramatic, did you know that?"

"Try living with her for fifteen years"

"Hey, no fair!" I pout. "Why are you two ganging up on me? I'm injured. I should be treated nicely"

The boys laugh and Grayson joins Lauren in the kitchen.

"Noah, buddy, you staying for dinner?" Gray asks.

"If that's okay?"

Gray nods.



After dinner, Noah has to leave and I hug him tightly. He hugs me back and when we're about to kiss, Grayson makes a big deal.

"Oh, ewwww!" Gray teases, mocking vomiting.

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