· Smoking ·

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Enjoy! xx

(Also, Alyssa now has friends Devan and Kylie. Kinda random, but she didn't have friends lmao)


Alyssa's POV


My stomach bug is finally gone and I can eat again! I've never been so excited to have food. 

I help Grayson make dinner. We make a salad, steak and baked potatoes. The smells are immaculate and when Ethan enters the kitchen, I ignore him. 

"Kris and I are going out to meet with some friends"

"Have fun, bro," Gray smiles, giving him a wave. 

Ethan leaves the kitchen and I finally turn around. I don't even want to look at Ethan these days. 

"How much longer is this going to go on?" Grayson asks, raising an eyebrow as he takes the potatoes out of the oven. 

"Until I graduate," I shrug, taking three plates from the cabinet above my head. "Lauren's coming, right?"

"Yep," Gray replies, placing the salad bowl on the table before fixing me with a look. "He is sorry, you know?"

"I really couldn't care, Gray," I sigh. "I've been trying to be respectful, but it's hard when he keeps pushing me to talk when I don't want to"

"I get that," Grayson sighs. "Listen, I'm glad you're being respectful, but I think progress would flourish from an actual conversation"

"I do miss him, Gray, but I'll talk to him when it feels right"

"You do you," Gray smiles, ruffling my hair. "You're old enough to make your own decisions now"


After dinner, Grayson and Lauren go upstairs to "chill". I smirk and shake my head as I go onto Netflix on the living room TV. They honestly think I'm stupid and six years old. I know they're fucking each other upstairs. 


I must fall asleep because one moment I'm watching Family Guy and the next I have Grayson waking me up. 

"What is it?" I yawn, sitting up. "Is the house on fire?"

Grayson chuckles quietly and shakes his head no. 

"It's midnight, honey. Why don't you take yourself up to bed?"

"Too tired," I mumble, flopping face down into the couch pillows. 

Grayson sighs and picks me up effortlessly. I groan softly and rest my head on his arm as he walks towards the stairs. 

"You're disturbing my peace," I whisper. 

"Shut up," Grayson whispers back, a smile to his tone. "You're a little baby"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Grayson, I swear to god-"

"What are you going to do, little girl?"

I bite Grayson's wrist and he laughs, shaking his head. I bet he wasn't expecting that. 

"Ouch! Cmon you savage animal," Gray chuckles, gently throwing me down on my bed. "Go to bed"

I have enough energy to get under the sheets and shut my eyes again. Gray turns off my bedside lamp and plants a soft kiss to my temple before leaving. 


A few days later


"God, sometimes I really want to jump out of a window and be a bird"

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