Chapter 12

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Alyssa's POV

Grayson throws my bloody bandages away and unrolls a fresh sheet of clean bandage and gauze as I examine my wrist. Crusted blood lines the edges of my stitched skin and as I run my finger over it, a sour throbbing follows. I wince and Grayson sighs, taking my arm. 

"does it hurt?"

I nod. 

"I'll be as gentle as I can" he promises, pushing my sleeve up to access my forearm area. 

My arm quivers as the bandage and the liquid on it touches my wounds. Grayson wraps it around my wrist tightly and then does the same for the other one. Looking at his face, I realize that he's probably in more pain than I am. 

"I'm sorry," I say, looking down at the kitchen floor. 

Grayson puts everything back in the drawer and closes it. He cups my face in his hands and makes me look at him. 

"Baby, listen to me. You have no reason to be sorry" he wipes one of my tears away with his thumb and strokes my cheek gently. "You were upset and you acted in the moment, okay? I love you"

He brings me into a hug and I rest my chin on his shoulder. I'm sat on the kitchen counter yet he's still taller than me. We stay like that for a little while. He rubs my back slowly and his stubble scratches my neck slightly while I just stay in his hold. 

Grayson's POV

I hug Alyssa and she puts her chin on my shoulder, wrapping her small arms around me. I don't wanna pull away just yet. I rub my hand along her back and lean deeper into her hair, my nose resting at the tip of the nape of her neck. I breathe in her coconut and honey shampoo, closing my eyes. I love her so much. I can't wait till she's got her old energy back. I hope she's feeling a bit better. 

I pull away and her mouth is slightly upturned. "I love you too"

She hops off the counter and walks into the living room where Ethan's watching Stranger Things. 

Ethan's POV

I beckon Alyssa over to the couch where I'm watching Netflix. She walks over and I can't help smiling. She looks adorable in my hoodie. It's oversized on her and she has her hair up in a messy bun, her face makeup-free. I try to ignore the bandaged cuts on her wrist as she comes closer. I grab her hand and pull her down so that she's laying next to me. She rests her head on my chest and tucks her feet under her as I put an arm around her waist, securing her position. Alyssa feels so delicate and fragile in my arms and I can't help frowning a little. 

"Stop" she whines, tapping my chest. 

"Stop what?" I smirk. "Breathing?" 

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "No. Stop worrying" 

I chuckle and hold her closer to my chest, dropping a swift kiss in her hair.

Alyssa's POV

As Stranger Things plays on the TV I feel Ethan's arm tense up around my waist. He only tenses when he's worrying or thinking about something. 

"Stop" I sigh, tapping his chest. 

"Stop what?" he says. "Breathing?"

I look up at his face and see his mouth curled into a smirk. I roll my eyes and shake my head. 

"No. Stop worrying" 

He chuckles and brings me closer to his chest, placing a kiss in my hair. I snuggle into him and breathe in his bittersweet manly cologne. 

Halfway through the episode, I look outside the sliding glass doors and see some dark clouds roll in from the mountains. I hope it rains. I love rain. The smell, the sound and the aesthetic make me feel calm and collected. Forget therapy, this bitch needs rain!

"Here we go," Grayson says, walking over to me. 

He places a bowl of chicken soup on the coffee table along with some crackers, a glass of ice-cold water and a mug of tea. 

"Thanks" I smile, sitting up and taking a spoonful of steaming hot soup. 

"Where's my soup?" Ethan asks, sitting up and rubbing his hands together. 

"Get your own damn soup," Grayson says, shaking his head.

Ethan laughs and stands up to go to the kitchen. Grayson grabs my chin and presses a kiss on the top of my head. 

"See you later, sweetie. I have a meeting I gotta run to"

"Bye," I say as he walks towards the front door. 

He grabs his wallet, keys and a small black backpack. "Yo, E?" he calls.

"Yeah?" Ethan says, walking out of the kitchen, a spoon hanging out between his lips. 

"Make sure Alyssa takes a nap. The doctor says she needs plenty of rest and I know her sleeping patterns have been off lately" 

"I'm not a baby and I don't need naptime!" I protest and pout. 

Ethan nods and Grayson shrugs at me. 

"Sorry, baby. Doctors orders" he blows me a kiss before shutting the front door behind him. 

A minute later, I hear his car crunch out of the driveway. Ethan sits next to me and we compromise that when we finish this episode of Stranger Things I'll take a nap. 


"Alright, nap time" Ethan chuckles, the credits rolling down the screen signalling the end of the episode. 

I groan but make an array of pillows to sleep on. Ethan takes his and my dishes to the kitchen and comes back just when I've finished assembling my makeshift bed. You might be wondering why I don't just go to my room and sleep on my bed. Well for starters I'm lazy, and second I think we can all agree that couch naps are the best naps. Ethan throws a blanket over me and plays some music on the TV. He turns down the volume a little so that it's a soft background noise. I close my eyes and he kisses my cheek, smoothing my hair back. 

"Sweet dreams, cupcake" 

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