Chapter 59

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Alyssa's POV

"He's cute,"

I laugh and make a face at Emma. "You can't be serious"

"He is!" she exclaims, taking a sip of her Philz coffee.

"I don't go for the stereotypical blonde and blue-eyed guy that flirts with everyone"

Emma and I found a comfy bench in the mall and we're just judging guys and drinking coffee. The twins had to film a video today so Emma took me out for a girls day.

"Oh he's not bad," Emma says, pointing out a boy with messy dark hair.

The guy turns around and a lump forms in my throat when I see it's Damon. Emma sighs and rubs my shoulder, glaring at him.

"Sorry, Aly"

"It's fine," I say brightly.

Damon's lips curl into a smirk and he chuckles before walking away, his hands shoved into his hoodie pocket. Anger flares up inside of me. How dare he just act like I'm nothing? Does it not hurt to look at me after what he did?

"Alyssa, he's an asshole. Don't think about him"

"I'm not, Emma," I say. "I'm over him"

"Well you've got a face like thunder and your hands are kinda tight around your cup there"

I look down at my cup and see the right side crumpled in. I quickly fix it and smile at Emma. She sighs and then smiles, resuming our talk about guys.


Emma parks in the driveway and as soon as we step inside the house I go to my room and don't say hi to the boys. I'm upset. I'm really upset and I don't know why I should care so much when that sack of rat shit doesn't.

Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry

I take a deep breath and set my bag down on my bed. Then, I turn on my shower and grab my speaker. I put on a meditation course and step into the shower, my body starting to relax a little.

Once I get out, I pull on my comfiest sweats and one of Grayson's hoodies that I sneakily took. I put on socks and tie my hair up into a high pony so it doesn't bother my neck. I feel alright now.

Knock knock

"Come in," I say.

The door opens and Emma's head pokes in. She smiles when she sees me curled up on my bed looking through Instagram.

"Hey, I just came to check up on you"

"I'm fine" I reply.

She sighs and walks over. "Are you sure? You know you can be upset, right? You'd sure you're okay?"

"I know that, Emma, and yes I'm sure"

"Well," she sighs. "If you're sure"

"I'm sure," I promise.

"Okay," she strokes my ponytail and tugs gently. "Then come pick a movie with me and the boys. They want a horror one again"

I facepalm. "Not again"

Next day

***Next day***

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