· Internal bleeding ·

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Alyssa's POV

"You feeling okay, hon?" Gray asks, rubbing my back and sounding concerned.

I nod even though I'm not.

"Wanna come to the grocery store with me?"

I nod again, not using my words. I haven't spoken much these past few days.

"When we get back you can invite Noah over if you want"

I shrug. I haven't had the urge to see anyone else apart from Grayson and Lauren.
Gray's eyes widen and I know he's surprised. Noah's my everything and I'd usually want to spend every minute of my day with him. Not today though. Not tomorrow either. Not for a long time, I think.

Grayson's POV

It's so weird to see Alyssa like this. She's never been so...dead like.
She's paled over the few days that we've known about her depression. Her hair seems darker and I don't think she's showered in three days.

It's a pain to get her out of bed every morning. I should say afternoon because she comes downstairs at two pm.

Ethan and Kristina have asked me about Alyssa, but I honestly couldn't be bothered. I know Ethan's scared to see Alyssa like this, but he could spend some time with his baby sister. It makes me sad because I see how much Alyssa needs him.
I feel torn.


The drive to the grocery store is quiet. Alyssa is usually quiet and reserved and shy, but it's weird not hearing her laugh at my jokes or the vlogs we do at home. Something has seriously hit her hard and it kills me that I couldn't catch it earlier. Maybe I could've stopped it. the doctor told Ethan and I not to feel guilty, but a small part of me whispers it's my fault. It tells me I haven't loved her enough or been there for her enough. 

I glance over at Alyssa and then look back at the road. She's never so quiet and unmotivated to speak. 

She's staring out the window and I would give anything in this world to see what's going on through her head. It's a mental game at the end of the day, and the doctor said she's the only one who can make herself better. It's going to be a long, rough time, but I know for a fact I'm not going anywhere until she's okay again. 


It's been a few hours since Alyssa and I went to the store. When we got home, she helped me put stuff away and then went upstairs to her room as usual. 

The doorbell rings and I smile. Lauren's here. 

I make my way towards the front door and open it. Lauren stands there, her blue eyes shining and her pretty smile making me feel warm. 

"Hey, babe," I sigh happily, giving her a hug and letting her into the house. "How was the drive?"

Lauren shrugs. "It was okay. Too many red lights though"

Lauren follows me into the kitchen where I get her water and we sit down. Lauren puts her bag down and wraps her arms around my neck, cocking her head to the side with a soft smile. 

"How's Alyssa doing?"

I shrug. "I really don't know. She won't talk, won't eat, won't even sleep. I don't know what to do"

"Give it time, honey," Lauren sighs, brushing my stubble with her delicate fingers. "The doctor said she'd be like this"

I press my lips against Laren's as she leans in. Her lips taste like relief and I swear I can hint sugar grains. I pull away and raise an eyebrow. 

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