Chapter 84

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Alyssa's POV


I roll over in a big bed and open my eyes. They carefully latch onto a closet painted in Japanese art and I realize I'm in Grayson's room.

I groan softly and sit up, the room quiet and the spot in bed next to me creased. My mind replays last night and I feel my eyes well up. Dad getting angry, the police coming, the twins's faces.

I shake my head and rub my eyes. Ouch.

I look at my hands and see them wrapped in white gauze and bandage. Small cuts on my fingers with dried blood give me a clue as to why my hands are stinging. I feel sick as dad pops into my head, big and scary looking.


I snap my attention back to the doorway where Grayson offers me a small smile. I get out of bed and walk over, putting my arms around his waist. His arms encircle me and his familiar smell just makes me start crying.

"Oh, honey," he sighs, stroking my hair. "It's okay. You're safe"

His soothing words calm me down and I have to sit back down on the bed to stop feeling dizzy.

"I'll get you some clothes, okay? I'll be right back"

He leaves and I suddenly feel anxious. I know he's in the same house and only down the hall but it makes me want to cry all the same. Uh oh.

I make it to the bathroom in time and dry heave until there's nothing left. I feel a hand move my hair out of the way and rub my back.

"Aly, sweetheart, breathe"

Grayson helps me stand up, brush my teeth and rinse my mouth as my bandaged hands serve absolutely no use. Next on the agenda is showering and it looks like Grayson has to help me with that too.

I put my bikini on and he washes my hair while I wash my body as best as I can with my injured hands. Once we're done, I dry myself, manage to put on a dry bra and underwear and Grayson just slips one of his plain white shirts on me that reach mid-thigh.

"I feel like a baby," I mumble. "I'm sorry"

Gray chuckles and shakes his head. "Honey, it's okay. I don't mind doing this. It's my job to look after you, yeah? Stop worrying. You have nothing to be sorry about"

He kisses my forehead and tells me to follow him to the kitchen.

Ethan's making coffee as we enter and I give him a big hug. He hugs me too, lifting me off the ground a little. When I pull away, I see tears in his eyes.

"E, don't be upset!" I sigh. "You'll make me start crying too"

He nods and chuckles, ruffling my hair.

"You okay, kiddo?"

I nod. "I'm fine now, guys. Really"

Grayson unwraps my bandages and I stare in horror at my bloody hands. They're a mess of ripped skin and dried blood along with reopened cuts. It stings so bad and I let out a whimper, feeling my face crease in a wince.

"Here we go, angel," Gray says, gently wrapping a fresh roll of bandage around my cut palms. "Don't cry. I got you"

I blink back the tears as the pain softens with every layer of bandage. Gray smoothes it over with his fingers and kisses my hands.

"That used to work all the time when you were younger," Grayson smiles fondly. "You'd come in from grandma's garden with a boo-boo and you wouldn't stop crying until someone kissed them away"

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