• Earthquake •

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Alyssa's POV

"You need to get over him, Aly"

I roll my eyes and push my tray full of untouched food away.
Kayleigh, Amanda and Carly sit across from me. They're the new girls I made friends with this year. They're nice and we got close fast.

"Yeah, Cmon. Come to my party on Saturday. We'll find you a new man"

"I don't want a new man," I sigh. "I want him. I can't believe I was so selfish"

"Well, it wasn't all your fault. Your brothers never let you go out" Kayleigh says, raising an eyebrow.

"Please come to my party," Carly pouts, grabbing my hand dramatically and giving me the puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

I roll my eyes and try to keep my eyes from wandering to the right where Noah and some other girl Monica are sat. It makes me want to cry but I contain myself.

"I feel like watching Netflix and eating tons of ice cream," I smile sadly. "I think that's the best remedy for getting over him"

"Your loss," Amanda shrugs. "Carly's parties are super fun"

I shrug back. "Then that's my loss, I guess"


I'm not in a great mood when I get home. High school's been kicking my ass for two weeks and I'm already dead.

"I'm home!" I yell, shutting the front door behind me.

"In here!"

I follow the voice to the living room and see Ethan sprawled out on the couch, eating ice cream and watching Netflix with a sad expression on his face. Kristina left last week for Australia and she's back in a months time.
Ethan misses her already.

"Me too," I sigh, dumping my bag by the staircase and sitting next to him. "Give me some of that"

Ethan hands me a spoon and we tuck in together.


The front door opens, alerting Ethan and I from the couch. Grayson walks through with...Ryan!

"Ry!" I smile, getting up to hug him.

"Hey, little D!"

I roll my eyes. Ever since I was three years old Ryan would call me 'little D' for little Dolan. When the twins and I moved out here, Ryan would babysit for me and we got really close. He's like a third brother and he's come out here to stay for a week.

"Don't call me that," I groan, secretly happy that he's stuck to our tradition.

"How was school?" Gray asks, nodding his head towards the kitchen.

"It was okay" I reply.

I follow him and we leave Ryan with Ethan. I help Grayson unpack groceries and then sit on the stool to talk.
I dither on whether to tell Grayson about Noah and I splitting. I don't know if he cares to be honest.



"Who was that girl who came the other day? Black hair, brown eyes, Chrissy I think her name was?"

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