Chapter 22

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Damon's POV

"Damon! You're going to be late again!"

I groan as Alexis's voice finds its way through my door. I groan and roll onto my back. I don't think I can face Alyssa after turning in my essay. I might've used a bit more than a few sentences. It'll be okay though. I hope. 

"Damon? Damon!"

"I'm up!" I yell. 

She shuts up and I hear her walk away from my door. Jeez, she really does annoy me. I get out of bed and get dressed. 

Alyssa's POV

I roll out of bed and get dressed for school. I'm a lot happier now, going to school. Now that Damon's been hanging out with me I have someone to talk to. He's changed my life for the better. 

"Alyssa, honey, you up?" Grayson says softly, opening my door. 

"Yeah," I say, pulling on some black jeans. 

He smiles at me. "Good morning"

"Morning" I smile back. 

I'm in a good mood and I think Grayson likes it. He leaves me to get dressed and I throw on a white sweater with some black heeled boots. I slick on some lipgloss and brush my hair and teeth. 


I stand by Damon's locker for most of morning break but he doesn't show up. Strange. I sigh and check my watch. I hope he's okay. 

The bell rings and I have no choice but to attend my next class. Math. Fuck. I wish Damon was in his seat next to me. He's so good at math and science and he helps me out a lot at school. My grades have shot up in the past two weeks and the twins have been immensely happy. Ethan's also starting to walk again and he says his ribs are feeling better. My life is so good right now. 

I jinxed it. 

Mr Kraft eyes me suspiciously over his desk as he slides my printed essay over the tabletop, towards me. I sigh and take it. What did I do? 

"Um, sir?" I say, raising an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure I read the checklist and incorporated all the necessary adjustments for an A grade?" 

Mr Kraft stares at me as if disgusted. He leans over the desk and fixes me with a cold smile. 

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Huh?" okay, I'm confused. 

"I know you cheated off of Damon"

Now I'm super confused. 

"Sir, with all due respect I think you made a mistake. I helped Damon with his essay"

Mr Kraft's lips curl into a curt smile. "Alyssa, I'm afraid I have no choice but to give you an F and email your guardians. Plagiarism is totally unacceptable and I will not tolerate it in my class!" 

"But sir, I didn't cheat!"

"Alyssa, lower your voice, please," Mr Kraft sighs, grabbing my paper. 

"No!" I stand up and grab my bag, fuming and close to tears. "You're being unfair. I know for a fact that my piece on Human biology was totally original. You know what? This is what I don't like about you teachers. You jump straight to conclusions and you don't even bother to question Damon"

"Ms Dolan, please sit down" he orders. 


I storm out of his classroom and ignore him while he calls my name. He can fuck off. I know I did nothing wrong. 

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