Chapter 79

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Alyssa's POV

Damon's face plays over and over again in my head, each time getting more desperate than the last. I turn over and face my closed door. I know I really should get to sleep now because I have school tomorrow.

I sigh and turn back over to face my wall. I'm so tired but my brain won't let me sleep. I wonder what Damon's doing now. Can he sleep? Is he out smoking on the park bench? Is he...still crying? God, I hope not. I hate being the source of his sadness. I wish I could tell him we have a chance but I couldn't lie. It would only make this shitty situation worse. 


 "Me or him?"

I lock eyes with Damon's tear-streaked face and instantly feel the anxiety bubble up inside me. His leather jacket brings back memories of us wrapped up together, eating brownies under the sun at school. Back when he used to be calm. Back in the early stages of our relationship. 


I turn around and come face to face with Nate. His sea-green eyes hypnotize mine as he takes my hands and squeezes them gently.

"Me, right?"

"I-" I try to speak but Damon grabs my arm and pulls me into his arms, glaring daggers at Nate.

"She's mine, dude. Back off"

Nate's eyes turn dark red and he suddenly tackles Damon to the ground. They roll around throwing punches and screaming while I stand there emotionlessly. 

The boys suddenly disappear and I get thrown into a dark abyss. I land into a char and blink rapidly, the boys falling down in front of me.

They both look at me and suddenly I can't breathe.


I wake up gasping for air, a hand pressed tightly over my heart. My dark room suddenly feels caging and I slam the lights on, my heart racing. 

"It's only a dream," I sigh, rubbing my eyes. "Only a dream"

Once my breathing has gone back to normal, I check for signs of the twins getting up to check on me. 


Thank god. I must've not been screaming. 

I feel something drip down my face and realize they're tears. Fuck, these boys are driving me insane. 

When I feel better, I turn the lights off again and snuggle down under my duvet. I shut my eyes but they only spring back open.

This is going to be a long night


"Alyssa, get up!"

I awaken to the sound of Ethan's panicked voice. My bed covers are in his hands and I suddenly realize the cold air sticking to me unpleasantly.

"Ethan!" I groan, my raised voice adding onto my headache from only getting two hours of sleep. 

He sighs and checks his watch. "You're going to be late if you don't get dressed and downstairs in the next five minutes! What is with you today?"

I get out of bed and reel a little at how light headed I feel. I know it's from lack of sleep. I also know that school today will suck. 

Ethan leaves my room and I'm grateful. He's just adding onto my stressed mind. I run into my bathroom and brush my teeth before shoving on an outfit. No time for makeup today.

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