· Rocky Relationships ·

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Alyssa's POV


It's been about two weeks since we've been back from New Jersey. The twins and I are in the new house and honestly, I'm still upset about the abrupt leaving.

I know the twins and grandma had a big argument when I went ti bed that last night, but I don't know about what. I've been itching to find out but I'm scared the twins will get mad and yell at me for bringing it up.

Grayson's been frustrated because he can't do a frog shaped plank and Ethan's just upset because he's shit at COD. I'm scared to say anything nowadays.


It's one in the morning when I wake up rattled with another nightmare. I don't wake up screaming but when I open my eyes, I feel paralyzed with fear.

I'm shivering too, but it's not cold.

I take deep breath and try to remember what Kate told me to do in these situations.

Breathe, 1, 2, 3, 4

Breathe, 1, 2, 3, 4

Breathe, 1, 2, 3, 4

Once I feel calm, I get out of bed and walk downstairs into the gym area. Kate also told me I had to start getting more comfortable telling the twins about my nightmares and letting them help me.

Sure enough, I find Grayson lifting weights. The door makes a sound whe I enter and he looks up. He shakes an earbud out of his ear and nods at me.

"Aly, honey, what are you doing up? It's one in the morning"

I shrug and sit on the bench occupying the whole back wall.

"I can't sleep"

Grayson sighs and raises an eyebrow at me.

"More like you had another nightmare, by the looks of things"

I catch sight of myself in the gym mirrors and almost laugh. Gray's right. I always look different after having a nightmare. I get real pale and my hair looks darker. My eyes get red and my body language is lazier than usual.

"Are you okay?"

I snap my attention back towards Grayson as he groans and carries on with his bench pressing.

"Yeah, I think I'm fine"

"I didn't ask if you think you're fine"

I sigh. "I don't know, Grayson. It's weird"

Grayson puts the weights down and sits up. He rubs his neck, grabs his shirt and slings it over his shoulder.

"Cmon. Let's get you to bed"


I sigh as Grayson gently strokes my hair in attempt for me to go to sleep.

"It's not going to work. I'm not tired"

"Shhhh," Grayson hushes. "Shut your eyes, breathe and shut up"

I giggle at the last part and shut my eyes. They spring back open and Grayson raises an eyebrow at me.

"Sleep. Now"

"I can't!" I protest.


"I. Can't. Sleep"

"Well you're going to have to," Grayson says.

"I can't!"

"Alyssa, stop being silly and just shut your eyes, already!"

"Stop being mean to me!" I sigh, turning over to face the wall, feeling insulted. "Ethan's so much nicer to me. You're always so annoyed with me"

Grayson doesn't reply and stands up. He kisses my cheek and leaves without another word.

A few minutes later my door opens again and it's Ethan. He crawls onto my bed and turns on my lamp. I sit up and hug him.

"Hey, baby, what's going on? Gray says you won't go to sleep"

I bury my face in his chest and feel his arms tighten around me.

"I can't sleep, E. Grayson got frustrated and left, but I seriously can't sleep"

Ethan nods and rubs my back. Ethan always understands me.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

I smile at him and nod.


Grayson's POV


Through the crack in Alyssa's door, I see her and Ethan cuddled up watching a movie. The way Alyssa is so relaxed around him hurts me. I feel a pang of jealousy and have to bite my lip not to say something.

Alyssa always tenses up when I'm around. She never talks to me anymore and when she does, I always fuck it up. I say shit that makes her shut down and she turns to Ethan instead.

Why couldn't I just sit with her and talk tonight? She came to me and I fucked it up yet again.

I watch as Alyssa's eyelids slowly lower. Ethan shuts the laptop and places it on the desk next to her bed. He passes his hand over Alyssa's hair, plants a kiss on her forehead and adjusts her bedcovers. He then turns off the lights and I quickly shut myself in the bathroom as not to be caught stalking.


Alyssa's POV

The next day- 9 am


I wake up early and decide to start my day. I get dressed in ripped jeans, a black body suit and my usual air force 1s. I brush my hair, my teeth and decide to leave the makeup alone for today.

I walk to the kitchen and prepare myself a bowl of cereal. Soon enough, Grayson joins me and so does Ethan.

"Morning, munchkin," Ethan smiles, giving me a hug from behind.

"Morning," I smile back.

Grayson also hugs me, but it feels wrong somehow. He hangs on awkwardly and I beg the hug ends.

Grayson looks hurt when he pulls away and all I can do is look down into my cereal bowl. Gray doesn't say anything and Ethan tries to bring up a subject.

"Emma's coming over today"

"Oh, cool," I smile. "We haven't seen her in a long time"

Ethan nods. "Yeah. It's been a few weeks but now that we're finally moved in and settled, she can come over"

Ethan takes his mug of coffee into the living room leaving Grayson and I alone in the kitchen. He sips his own mug of coffee while carefully looking at me. I feel myself blush and sigh.

"What, Grayson?"

He sighs. "Aly, hon, I'm sorry about last night. I was just tired and I'm sorry I snapped at you. If you want, we can watch a movie tonight and hang out"

"It's fine," I reply, stirring my soggy cereal into a mush. "As for tonight, I don't know"

Grayson nods and rinses his cup in the sink. I can tell he's still a little hurt but I can't help being cold. First the twins pull me out of NJ and now Grayson gets annoyed with me when I've done nothing at all to deserve it.

Somehow, I can't find it in me to feel guilty or bad for him.


Hey guys! Sorry for the late upload but I've been struggling with ideas and the motivation 😅. I've had time to think and I've got a few more ideas planned so sooner updates will be coming!
I love you guys and appreciate all the support! ❤️❤️❤️

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